Jako Amazon, jesteśmy dumni z naszego centrum logistycznego w Sadach, które odzwierciedla naszą globalną obecność i innowacyjność. Jako lider w branży sprzedaży wysyłkowej, nasze polskie centrum, uruchomione w 2014 roku, jest jednym z najnowocześniejszych w naszej sieci, obejmującej 30 lokalizacji na całym świecie. Zatrudniając stałe 2 tysiące osób, a w okresie przedświątecznym dodatkowe 1,5 tysiąca, jesteśmy zaangażowani w rozwój lokalnego rynku pracy. Nasze zaawansowane technologicznie obiekty, wyposażone w inteligentny system zarządzania budynkiem (BMS), są odzwierciedleniem naszego zobowiązania do innowacji i jakości, co potwierdza certyfikat BREEAM na poziomie "Very Good". Działając w wielu krajach, od Kanady po Brazylię, wybraliśmy Polskę ze względu na strategiczne położenie, które umożliwia efektywną obsługę klientów w całej Europie. Nasz program FC Tours, oferujący wirtualne wycieczki, podkreśla nasze zaangażowanie w transparentność i otwartość na klientów. Jesteśmy Amazon – innowacyjni, zaangażowani i zawsze skoncentrowani na dostarczaniu wyjątkowych doświadczeń zakupowych.

Amazon Centrum Logistyczne najczęściej poszukuje kandydatów
- w kategoriach zawodowych:
logistyka / spedycja / transport inżynieria / technologia / technika produkcja / przemysł księgowość / ekonomia bhp / ochrona środowiska

Oferty pracy Amazon Centrum Logistyczne

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Podane powyżej benefity nie są oficjalnym elementem oferty pracy. Zostały wyselekcjonowane na podstawie historycznych ogłoszeń za pomocą algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji.
Data aktualizacji: 26.09.2024

Mapa Amazon Centrum Logistyczne

Siedziba główna

Godziny otwarcia Amazon Centrum Logistyczne

poniedziałek 06:00 - 16:30, 17:30 - 04:00
wtorek 06:00 - 16:30, 17:30 - 04:00
środa 06:00 - 16:30, 17:30 - 04:00
czwartek 06:00 - 16:30, 17:30 - 04:00
piątek 06:00 - 16:30, 17:30 - 04:00
sobota 06:00 - 16:30, 17:30 - 04:00
niedziela 06:00 - 16:30, 17:30 - 04:00

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Amazon is guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. We are driven by the excitement of building technologies, inventing products, and providing services that change lives. We embrace new ways of doing things, make decisions quickly, and are not afraid to fail. We have the scope and capabilities of a large company, and the spirit and heart of a small one. Together, Amazonians research and develop new technologies from Amazon Web Services to Alexa on behalf of our customers: shoppers, sellers, content creators, and developers around the world. Our mission is to be Earth's most customer-centric company. Our actions, goals, projects, programs, and inventions begin and end with the customer top of mind. You'll also hear us say that at Amazon, it's always "Day 1." What do we mean? That our approach remains the same as it was on Amazon's very first day - to make smart, fast decisions, stay nimble, invent, and focus on delighting our customers.

Siedziba główna
Seattle, WA
Tworzenie oprogramowania
e-Commerce, Retail, Operations i Internet

Rok założenia


Liczba pracowników

10 001+

Liczba obserwujących


Amazon Centrum Logistyczne poszukuje najczęściej pracowników na stanowiska

Statystyki odwiedzin opublikowanych ogłoszeń i profilu pracodawcy

Odwiedziny w ostatnich 11 miesiącach

Profil firmy:
Amazon Centrum Logistyczne
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:

  1. Warszawa
  2. Poznań
  3. Bielsko-Biała
  4. Łódź
  5. Bytom
  6. Kraków
  7. Katowice
  8. Pruszków
  9. Wrocław

Data aktualizacji: 01.03.2025

Praca Amazon Centrum Logistyczne - oferty archiwalne

  • Junior Compliance Manager

    Amazon Centrum Logistyczne
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Amazon.com operates in a virtual, global e-commerce environment without boundaries, and operates a diverse set of businesses, including Retail, third party marketplaces, e-commerce platforms, web services for developers. Amazon's mission is to be earth's most customer-centric company.The Product Assurance teams ensure that Amazon meets safety and regulatory standards.Compliance Operations (C-Ops) is part of Product Assurance, Risk & Security (PARS) organization within Amazon. C-Ops collaborate with different teams to assure we obsess over the safety of our customers and mitigate risks of the products, which are sold on Amazon and their exposure to unsafe non-compliant products. This involves analyzing product documentation, testing, certification, and regulatory permitting to ensure customer safety and protect Amazon in a constantly changing global environment.


      Key job responsibilitiesA Compliance Manager will be responsible for managing and supporting operations across programs whose charter is to protect Amazon customers from products that don't meet compliance requirements. Duties may include defining, applying, and defending regulatory, policy and contractual requirements.You will:
      • Manage a team of 15-25 associates to ensure high service delivery and execution
      • Manage workflows in cooperation with internal and external stakeholders
      • Outlining procedures and instructions on work received
      • Work with Program Teams in implementation of new operational activities, including training, SOP development, etc.
      • Create controls and KPI’s to ensure compliance with Program and Operational requirements
      • Support Ops Manager with establishing and developing PA structures
      • Partner with other Compliance teams for risk mitigation
      • Create and monitor Career Growth Plans for direct reports
      • Ensure process efficiency and minimize variation
      • Conceptualize, design and ensure training delivery to the team, including on-boarding training
      • Make time estimations on new jobs received, check accuracy / quality of content creation / population done by others
      A day in the lifeYou will manage a team of 15-25 associates with focus on their performance. You will work with Programs and Ops Managers on goals, deliverables and Organization development. You will also cooperate with the group of Process Experts to ensure optimization and scalability.About the teamProduct Assurance requires Selling Partners meet the applicable safety and regulatory standards in each marketplace they list in by providing the required safety documentation for each product listed @Amazon catalogue (accounting for language requirements for documents, where necessary). Our tenets are designed to ensure that the products we sell are safe and Selling Partners are held accountable for ensuring the products they sell meet safety standards. As such, our goal is to have each SP provide confirmation that every product meets safety and compliance requirements.BASIC QUALIFICATIONS
      • Bachelor’s degree in any discipline; business or technical background is considered an advantage
      • Minimum 2 to 4 years of experience in managing people and interacting with customers / stakeholders
      • English language (any second European language is an advantage)
      • Excellent communication skills with the ability to communicate with all Levels
      • Demonstrated ability to manage, motivate, and influence work behaviors
      • Demonstrated problem solving and analytical capability
      • Experience in managing remote-working employees or virtual Teams
      • Experience in data analysis and working with large data sets
      • Background in Business Process Outsourcing (tech, financial services, customer service, call center etc.) is a plus
      • Knowledge of Supply Chain management, Compliance / Regulatory areas or Consumer Retail is being considered a plus
      • Experience with Lean Six Sigma and other process improvement tools
      • Familiarity with SQL
      • Knowledge of consumer product compliance processes and regulations
      • Experience in product safety and/or regulatory compliance management with government agencies
  • Technik Utrzymania Ruchu - Mechanik / Elektryk (M/K)

    Amazon Centrum Logistyczne
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Amazon poszukuje kandydatów na stanowisko Reliability Maintenance Engineering Technician, którzy mają doświadczenie w tej dziedzinie. Zatrudniona osoba dołączy do zespołu w jednym z naszych wysoce zautomatyzowanych, dynamicznie działających centrów logistycznych.CHARAKTERYSTYKA STANOWISKA:Osoba pracująca na stanowisku Reliability Maintenance Engineering Technician ma zagwarantować przestrzeganie przepisów i zasad bezpieczeństwa, terminową realizację konserwacji zapobiegawczej przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu wysokich standardów oraz wysoki poziom dostępności sprzętu poprzez stałe wprowadzanie udoskonaleń.


      • Nadawanie priorytetu najlepszym praktykom BHP we wszystkich wykonywanych zadaniach
      • Przeprowadzanie zaplanowanej konserwacji zapobiegawczej w odniesieniu do całego wyposażenia obiektu
      • Szybkie reagowanie na awarie, komunikacja ze stronami, których dotyczy problem, oraz skuteczne usuwanie wszelkich usterek
      • Działanie na rzecz ciągłego wprowadzania udoskonaleń poprzez wyciąganie wniosków z awarii oraz przesyłanie uwag i sugestii dotyczących udoskonaleń za pośrednictwem kierownika liniowego
      • Zapewnianie wysokiego poziomu dostępności sprzętu klientom wewnętrznym
      • Wspieranie osób pracujących na stanowisku Senior Reliability Engineering Technician i korzystanie z ich zasobów wiedzy
      • Wszechstronne umiejętności z zakresu urządzeń elektrycznych i mechanicznych
      • Doświadczenie w pracy z systemami planowania konserwacji zapobiegawczej
      • Doświadczenie w wykrywaniu usterek w systemach automatyzacji i zmechanizowanego sprzętu do przenoszenia towarów
      • Umiejętność korzystania ze schematów mechanicznych i elektrycznych
      • Podstawowe umiejętności z zakresu prac warsztatowych
      • Doświadczenie w konserwacji przenośników oraz w pracy z inwerterami/sterownikami silników
      • Doświadczenie w pracy wymagającej przestrzegania odpowiednich standardów i przepisów BHP
      • Doświadczenie w zarządzaniu wykonawcami zewnętrznymi
      • Gotowość do pracy zmianowej w środowisku całodobowym
      • Doświadczenie w obsłudze rozdzielni wysokiego napięcia
      • Doświadczenie w pracy z maszynami sortującymi
      • Doświadczenie w zakresie konserwacji/konfiguracji skanerów kodów kreskowych
      • Doświadczenie w pracy z maszynami drukującymi i etykietującymi
  • Senior Compliance Associate with Swedish

    Amazon Centrum Logistyczne
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      Be part of Amazon and build the future with us. Join Amazon and help people to discover new worlds.As a Senior Compliance Associate, you will:get multiple opportunities to develop your functional expertise and offer the autonomy to make decisions, implement ideas, and measure results. We firmly believe in learning on the job, and from Day 1 you will be on a fast track to becoming an industry expert.Within the Compliance Operations Team:Depending on your experience and expertise, you will be joining one of our teams. The Restricted Products team ensure that all products in the Amazon catalogue comply with the laws and regulations of the countries in which it conducts its business. The Export Compliance Team review the export restrictions of a country or economic bloc, to ensure that Amazon complies with International Trade Regulations and Customs. The Product Safety Compliance Team look after safety of Amazon clients; they ensure that the products we sell on Amazon are compliant with Product Safety requirements and regulations.The scope of your duties may include:
      • To ensure that the imported products have been tested in certified laboratories and that they comply with the legal requirements of the importing country.
      • To classify products based on their potential hazardous risk, for regulatory storage and transportation purposes.
      • To take appropriate actions in order to protect customers from recalled or unsafe products.
      • To identify and remove from the website products that violate our Restricted Products policies and proactively satisfy Amazon’s regulatory obligations for these products.
      • To improve optimisation and standardisation of global trade processes and best practices within Amazon’s internal businesses.
      • Flexible working hours. 40 hour working week from Monday - Friday, with flexibility to start from 7am-10am.
      • Work from Home options.
      • Multisport card.
      • Insurance and private healthcare.
      • Internal Training programmes.
      BASIC QUALIFICATIONSEducation, experience and skills…
      expected in this job:
      • Fluent in English, and B1 proficiency in Swedish required
      • Bachelors degree
      • 1-3 years of professional experience
      • Good working knowledge of MS Office
      • Good attention to detail
      • Ability to analyse and identify patterns in large data sets
      • Good knowledge and experience in internet navigation and research
      • MS Excel proficiency
      • Basic SQL
      • Knowledge of consumer product compliance processes and regulations
      • Experience in product safety and/or regulatory compliance management with government agencies
  • Senior Compliance Associate, French , PICCCE

    Amazon Centrum Logistyczne
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      Successful candidate will have a unique opportunity to join newly funded Organization – PARS Initiatives, Continuity & Compliance Centre of Excellence (PICCCE) – which is responsible for managing and executing tasks that are new initiatives or capabilities. This new structure brings a lot of amazing challenges that will boost both your skillset and experience.Key job responsibilitiesDepending on the team you will be part of, you will have the opportunity to support and contribute to one of the key processes within PARS Initiatives, Continuity & Compliance Centre of Excellence (PICCCE), which will impact Customers’ experience through:
      • Demonstrating expertise in handling end-to-end processes and related tools in order to achieve business goals;
      • Performing root cause analysis, researching for missing information, finding the main errors and solving them in order to ensure the correct functioning of processes and to enhance team performance in terms of productivity and quality;
      • Supporting and implementing improvement ideas in order to increase processes efficiency;
      • Monitoring individual KPIs (productivity, quality, utilization, etc), creating reports and raising the flag and dive deep on deviations;
      • Sharing knowledge and best practices with the team, training and mentoring other Associates to ensure a fast ramp up.
      A day in the lifeYou will deliver range of compliance services with focus on your performance, quality and timely inputs. This involves joining various ad-hoc initiatives, to meet business demand. There will be also opportunities to train and mentor colleagues, and for you to have an impact on process on-boarding, stabilization and improvement.About the teamPARS Initiatives, Continuity & Compliance Centre of Excellence (PICCCE) on-boards initiatives and tasks scoping all Compliance Operations Programs, to ensure smooth launch and further process improvements, before transferring it to the respective Program.The teams that you will be part of consist of Compliance Associates and Process Experts, performing compliance related activities, depending on the initiative / task specifics.BASIC QUALIFICATIONS
      • High School Graduation Certificate;
      • 1-2 years of previous experience in a data-driven business environment;
      • Professional written and oral English communication skills;
      • French language proficiency to level B1;
      • Good working knowledge of MS Office, MS Outlook. MS Excel proficiency.
      • Strong attention to detail;
      • Bachelor’s degree in any discipline;
      • Additional language will be considered an advantage;
      • Ability to analyse and identify patterns in large data sets;
      • Decision making aptitudes based on given guidelines and in ambiguous contexts;
      • Very good knowledge and experience in internet navigation and research;
      • Knowledge of basic SQL.
  • Quality Analyst / Quality Operations

    Amazon Centrum Logistyczne
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      Be part of Amazon……business philosophy: work hard, have fun and change the world. We master our customer understanding every day. Whatever our customers want, we find the means to deliver it. You are welcome to join Amazon and enjoy helping people to discover new worlds.Product Compliance Team means……safety. We ensure that Amazon transactions satisfy legal and safety requirements. We coordinate the aspects of product transactions that are regulated (distribution, shipping, sale, import/export) which means many of activities you can find below.Your job responsibilities as Quality Analyst may include:
      • Report violations of rules, regulations, policies, and procedures by evaluating or recommending the initiation of investigative and corrective procedures
      • Conduct audits on a daily basis
      • Create models that optimize the resources, inputs & outputs of Compliance operations business.
      • Report of key insight trends, using statistical rigor to simplify and inform the larger team of noteworthy story lines
      • Share results of audits with Operations and Program Teams on a weekly/daily basis.
      • Provide feedback to the associates and close loop on audit observations.
      • Identify root cause of defects and find areas of improvements in the process being audited. Provides ideas for process improvements to enhance process efficiency, quality and customer experience
      • Respond to stakeholders with guidance and flags any updates to Lead/Manager
      Education, experience and skills
      • Graduation in any Discipline is required for this position
      • Proficiency in verbal & written communication in English
      • Turkish language at least at B1 level,
      • Good working knowledge of MS Office, MS Outlook; MS Excel proficiency is an advantage.
      • Strong attention to details.
      • Ability to analyze and identify patterns in large data sets.
      • Decision making aptitudes based on given guidelines and in ambiguous contexts.
      • Must be comfortable working with large data sets.
      • Very good knowledge and experience in internet navigation and research – finding specific information about products in a timely manner.
      • Previous experience in Auditing and analyzing data for error trends
      • 1-5 years of experience in data-driven business operations processes – Business Process Outsourcing, Operations processes; Database management is an added advantage
      Preferred Qualifications
      • Knowledge of consumer product compliance processes and regulations
      • Proficiency with VBA, SQL and knowledge of Data Warehouse
      • Experience in regulatory compliance management with government agencies
      • Experience in Auditing firms like will be beneficial
      • Experience in designing and implementing custom reporting systems using automation tools
      • Experience with data analysis in a variety of quantitative fields and experience building data and decision support systems
      • Bachelor’s degree in any discipline is preferred; business or technical background is considered an advantage.
      • 1 – 2 years of work experience or background in data-driven business operations processes is considered an advantage.
      • Fluent in English (written and oral communication)
      • Medium written and oral communication skills in Turkish;
      • Good working knowledge of MS Office; MS Outlook, and MS Excel proficiency is an advantage;
      • Strong attention to details;
      • Ability to analyze and identify patterns in large data sets;
      • Decision making aptitudes based on given guidelines and in ambiguous contexts;
      • Must be comfortable working with large data sets;
      • Very good knowledge and experience in internet navigation and research – finding specific information about products in a timely manner.
      • Knowledge of consumer product safety regulations;
      • Experience in product safety and/or regulatory compliance management with government agencies;
      • Knowledge of basic SQL.
  • Technik Utrzymania Ruchu, RME

    Amazon Centrum Logistyczne
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Amazon poszukuje kandydatów na stanowisko Reliability Maintenance Engineering Technician, którzy mają doświadczenie w tej dziedzinie. Zatrudniona osoba dołączy do zespołu w jednym z naszych wysoce zautomatyzowanych, dynamicznie działających centrów logistycznych.CHARAKTERYSTYKA STANOWISKA:Osoba pracująca na stanowisku Reliability Maintenance Engineering Technician ma zagwarantować przestrzeganie przepisów i zasad bezpieczeństwa, terminową realizację konserwacji zapobiegawczej przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu wysokich standardów oraz wysoki poziom dostępności sprzętu poprzez stałe wprowadzanie udoskonaleń.


      • Nadawanie priorytetu najlepszym praktykom BHP we wszystkich wykonywanych zadaniach
      • Przeprowadzanie zaplanowanej konserwacji zapobiegawczej w odniesieniu do całego wyposażenia obiektu
      • Szybkie reagowanie na awarie, komunikacja ze stronami, których dotyczy problem, oraz skuteczne usuwanie wszelkich usterek
      • Działanie na rzecz ciągłego wprowadzania udoskonaleń poprzez wyciąganie wniosków z awarii oraz przesyłanie uwag i sugestii dotyczących udoskonaleń za pośrednictwem kierownika liniowego
      • Zapewnianie wysokiego poziomu dostępności sprzętu klientom wewnętrznym
      • Wspieranie osób pracujących na stanowisku Senior Reliability Engineering Technician i korzystanie z ich zasobów wiedzy
      • Wszechstronne umiejętności z zakresu urządzeń elektrycznych i mechanicznych
      • Doświadczenie w pracy z systemami planowania konserwacji zapobiegawczej
      • Doświadczenie w wykrywaniu usterek w systemach automatyzacji i zmechanizowanego sprzętu do przenoszenia towarów
      • Umiejętność korzystania ze schematów mechanicznych i elektrycznych
      • Podstawowe umiejętności z zakresu prac warsztatowych
      • Doświadczenie w konserwacji przenośników oraz w pracy z inwerterami/sterownikami silników
      • Doświadczenie w pracy wymagającej przestrzegania odpowiednich standardów i przepisów BHP
      • Doświadczenie w zarządzaniu wykonawcami zewnętrznymi
      • Gotowość do pracy zmianowej w środowisku całodobowym
      • Doświadczenie w obsłudze rozdzielni wysokiego napięcia
      • Doświadczenie w pracy z maszynami sortującymi
      • Doświadczenie w zakresie konserwacji/konfiguracji skanerów kodów kreskowych
      • Doświadczenie w pracy z maszynami drukującymi i etykietującymi
  • Logistic Specialist - Global Trade Compliance

    Amazon Centrum Logistyczne
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      The Trade Compliance teams ensure that Amazon transactions satisfy legal requirements to file complete and accurate export and import declarations with local customs and other government authorities for international shipments. Global Trade Compliance (GTC) and Global Trade Counsel are responsible for procedures for assigning and reporting correct and accurate import and export classifications, customs values, and country or origin. These data elements are used by local customs, tax or other government authorities to determine, among other things, the rate of duty, the amount of duty and tax, and the exportability/admissibility of the shipment. Consequences of inaccurate declarations include delays, underpayment or overpayment of duties and taxes, fines or penalties, seizure, and revocation of import or export privileges.The Trade Compliance team provides import and export classification to Amazon.com products by ensuring Amazon Inc is committed to comply with laws and regulations of the countries in which it conducts its business, and their respective import, export, trade, customs and other relevant agencies.Key job responsibilitiesYour responsibilities as a Specialist Trade Compliance may include:
      • Auditing the results other audit teams are producing and ensure they achieve expected accuracy
      • Auditing the results other audit teams are producing and ensure they achieve expected accuracy
      • Working with Amazon supply chain and other stakeholders to streamline customs clearance
      • Manually checking ASIN’s with HTS/ECCN codes based on business requirements
      • Mentoring/training overall team to improve metrics (efficiency, quality) and progress to next level functionally by sharing knowledge
      • Identifying gaps and encourage improvement/ optimization initiatives that work toward a metric improvement within processes/functions at site level
      • Developing processes or tool components with documented SOPs for new processes or activities undertaken by the function
      In addition to the core responsibilities listed above, you will be expected to take on a larger organizational role. These can include tasks such as:
      • Responsibility for productivity, quality, and coverage metrics goals
      • Analyzing data and being responsible for highlighting gaps, recommending solutions and influencing inter-function decisions
      • Deep diving into a problem, performing root cause analysis, identifying constraints and recommending solutions to fix business problems
      • Encouraging continuous improvement and documenting any issues/RCAs/action planning in functional area and own specific action or change recommended
      • Training and mentoring new hires and other associates and suggest improvements to training
      • Creating and maintaining SOPs and supporting documents that mandate for classification process
      • Interacting with multiple stakeholders to communicate on processes and operations and represent data/metrics information and project reviews
      • University Degree
      • 2+ years of experience in customs related operations, classification, with professional knowledge in Import & Export regulations, Free trade agreements (FTA), Country of origin (COO)
      • Experience in Supply Chain Management, incl. Customs Clearance
      • Good working knowledge of MS Office
      • Good attention to details
      • Ability to analyze and identify patterns in large data sets
      • Decision making aptitudes based on given guidelines and in ambiguous contexts
      • Be comfortable working with large data sets
      • Very good knowledge and experience in internet navigation and research
      • MS Excel proficiency
      • Retail industry experience
      • B1 proficiency in any other EU language
      • Experience leveraging technology to bring process improvements.
      • Familiarity with SQL
  • Customer Service Administrator (German speaking)

    Amazon Centrum Logistyczne
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      Be part of Amazon and build the future with us. Join Amazon and help people to discover new worlds.Key job responsibilitiesYour job responsibilities as a Compliance Associate may include:
      • Review products to ensure regulatory compliance on all products that are made available for sale on Amazon from all sources
      • Write rules to identify and action dangerous, prohibited, restricted/regulated and non-complaint products
      • Reinstating products when the seller alters the information
      • Audit the Amazon website and identify the dangerous, prohibited, restricted/regulated and non-complaint products
      • Identify and remove from the website products that don't satisfy Amazon’s regulatory or safety obligations
      In addition to the core responsibilities listed above, you will be expected to take on a larger organizational role. These can include tasks such as:
      • Identifying & implementation of improvement opportunities/automations to enhance process efficiency, quality and customer experience with measurable impact
      • Responsible for quality, root cause analysis on process & quality gaps and recommend corrective actions.
      • Training and mentoring new hires and other associates, suggests improvements to training
      • Creation and maintenance of SOPs and owns process updates
      • Understanding of metrics, deep dive on KPIs, troubleshooting on reports and multiple data sources
      • Flagging any updates received from stakeholders on process to Lead/Manager
      • Active participation in stakeholder calls, leading and documenting the discussions
      • Conduct feedback sessions, Training need identification (TNI) and maintenance of quality records and documentation.
      A day in the lifeDepending on the team you will be part of, your day-to-day activities may include:
      • Analyzing Amazon website content to correctly assess the properties of the product
      • Reviewing documents that lists information relating to occupational safety and health for the use of various substances and products
      • Offering support to warehouse associates in case of unclarities or disputes regarding product classification
      About the teamChemical Safety Compliance (CSC) was developed to create a globally acceptable framework for chemical trade and it intends to have an international approach to classification and labeling of products. By doing so it will enable countries to have consistent and appropriate information on the chemicals they import or produce. Additionally, it will enable understanding on the infrastructure required and the effects of exposure to people and the environment.CSC aims to
      • Provide the correct CSC information needed to ensure safe and appropriate storage of products,
      • Provide the correct CSC information needed to safely dispose of the products considering the environment and the safety of Amazon employees and partners,
      • Provide our customers with information by displaying hazard information on Amazon detail pages.
      • Fluent in English, and B1 proficiency in German required
      • Good working knowledge of MS Office, MS Outlook; MS Excel proficiency is an advantage
      • Strong attention to details
      • Ability to analyze and identify patterns in large data sets
      • Decision making aptitudes based on given guidelines and in ambiguous contexts
      • Must be comfortable working with large data sets
      • Very good knowledge and experience in internet navigation and research – finding specific information about products in a timely manner
      • Graduation in any Discipline is required for this position
      • 1-3 years of experience in data-driven business operations processes – BPOs, Operations processes; Database management would be an additional advantage
      • Knowledge of basic SQL
      • Knowledge of consumer product compliance processes and regulations
      • Experience in product safety and/or regulatory compliance management with government agencies.
  • Quality Analyst - Dutch language

    Amazon Centrum Logistyczne
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      • Permanent Position.
      • Full time 40 hrs., Monday – Friday.
      • Hybrid role: Option to work from home up to two days per week.
      • Flexible shift: Earliest start at 7am – latest end of shift at 7pm.
      • Base salary + medical insurance + multisport card + language bonus + paid training
      Be part of Amazon and build the future with us!We master our customer understanding every day. Whatever our customers want, we find the means to deliver it. You are welcome to join Amazon and enjoy helping people to discover new worlds.Product Compliance Team means… safety. We ensure that Amazon transactions satisfy legal and safety requirements. We coordinate the aspects of product transactions that are regulated such as distribution, shipping, sale, import/export.Who we are looking for?We are seeking a bi-lingual (English- Dutch) individual to join our team to audit and analyse data and implement custom reporting systems using automation tools. Ideally you would have knowledge of consumer product compliance processes and regulations. This job is conducted to follow defined regulatory processes that ensure compliance, confidentiality and security.Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
      • Conduct audits on a daily basis. Report violations of rules, regulations, policies, and procedures by recommending the initiation of investigative and corrective procedures.
      • Create models that optimize the resources, inputs & outputs of compliance operations.
      • Identify root cause of defects and find areas of improvements in the process being audited.
      • Provide ideas for process improvements to enhance process efficiency, quality and customer experience.
      • Report of key insight trends, using statistical rigor to simplify and inform noteworthy storylines.
      • Share results of audits with Operations and Program teams on a daily/weekly basis.
      • Provide feedback to the associates and close loop on audit observations.
      • Respond to stakeholders with guidance and update the lead/manager.
      BASIC QUALIFICATIONSThe right candidate will have:
      • B1 Dutch written proficiency and B2 English.
      • Previous experience in auditing and analysing data for error trends.
      • Ability to analyse and identify patterns in large data sets.
      • Good working knowledge of MS Office, MS Outlook, MS Excel proficiency is an advantage.
      • Decision making aptitudes based on given guidelines and in ambiguous contexts.
      • Strong attention to detail and customer success drive.
      • 1-3 years of professional experience in data-driven business operations process, business process outsourcing, database management is an advantage.
      • College degree in any discipline.
      PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONSIf you are engaging, innovative, supportive, or a problem solver we want to hear from you!Why Amazon?
      Since our beginnings in 1995, Amazon has been pushing the boundaries of possible further and further. Whether it’s exploring successful new business lines, pushing our technology and processes to get the very quickest delivery times for our customers or delivering record volumes, Amazon has achieved incredible feats in defining industries.Our journey to become the Earth’s most customer-centric company is one full of exciting innovation, pace and change. From the second an order is placed online to the seamless coordination of that order behind the scenes, we strive to stay agile, fluid and intentional in what we do. Our employees move this business forward and hiring great people allows us to continually set records.Come and join us in building our future!
      Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build.All employees working directly for or on behalf of Amazon must apply through jobfinder/amazon.jobs using their internal email address.
  • Quality Manager

    Amazon Centrum Logistyczne
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Amazon.com operates in a virtual, global e-commerce environment without boundaries, and operates a diverse set of businesses, including Retail, third party marketplaces, e-commerce platforms, web services for developers. Amazon's mission is to be earth's most customer-centric company.Compliance Operations (C-Ops) ensures that Amazon transactions satisfy legal and safety requirements in compliance with guidelines set by regulatory bodies. We coordinate various aspects of identifying the risk involved in handling a hazardous product during storage and transport and classifying products with appropriate hazmat attributes. We also review aspects of product transactions that are regulated (distribution, shipping, sale, and import/export). This involves analyzing product import documentation. We also focus on product testing, certification, and regulatory permitting to ensure customer safety and protect Amazon in a constantly changing global environment.The successful candidate for this role will be a fast, clear and independent thinker who is naturally curious about how things work, importance of Quality in any process, is metrics and number savvy, has an analytical mindset and has demonstrated leadership ability. This person will need an ability to see the big picture/whole system and execute on grass root level to improve the overall C- Ops quality operations. Additionally, should show success in following-up and getting things done and have the ability to thrive in a fast-paced, customer-centric and ever changing environment. QA Manager will interact with different nodes to encourage participation and their support in cross node Kaizen events and will interact with their node counter parts to implement standard practices across all C - Ops nodes.


      Key job responsibilities
      • Facilitate the execution of the world wide C-Ops QA strategy through local management and support teams.
      • Update quality documentation and communicate to carry forward lessons learned from quality concerns
      • Introduce new systems and procedures where appropriate
      • Manage, coach and develop a high performing Quality System team that meets agreed objectives and which delivers best practice results, added value and continuous improvements
      • Communicate across all levels on Operations and program progress.
      • Coordinate Root Cause Analysis (5 Whys Analysis/ Fish Bone Analysis) and Error Trend Analysis
      • Drive defect elimination program by working along with Ops and Program stakeholders.
      • Bachelor's degree or equivalent post-secondary degree,
      • Minimum of 2 years' experience using quality mindset to drive improvements through the application of Lean and/or Six Sigma tools and concepts
      • Experience in or a demonstrated ability to lead people/teams without formal responsibility and interacting and building rapport with teams of all levels
      • Experience in communicating and presenting to groups
      • Self-starter capability of taking initiative and working with minimal direction
      • Experience managing a project portfolio. Small/Medium Project management experience.
      • Six Sigma Green Belt or Lean Certification
      • Experience in the Implementation of Quality Management System (QMS)