4LC Sp. z o.o. sp.k. najczęściej poszukuje kandydatów
- na stanowiskach:
Spedytor Michałowice
- w kategoriach zawodowych:
logistyka / spedycja / transport

Oferty pracy 4LC Sp. z o.o. sp.k.

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Mapa 4LC Sp. z o.o. sp.k.

Siedziba główna

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4LC Sp. z o.o. sp.k.

4LC is a third party Logistic Source serving its customers with global logistic solutions.

4LC is a third party Logistic Source serving its customers with global logistic solutions. Wherever your cargo is delivered, 4LC supports your supply chain by offering one of the following transportation modes: - road transport (FTL and LTL), - air shipments, - sea freight, - rail deliveries - over-sized cargo We believe that our main responsibility is to provide our customers with complex and flexible services. We always identify and analyze customer’s needs first to prepare an individual and the most effective logistics solutions. 4LC is one of the leading pioneers providing complex logistics services regarding international and domestic logistics. What we stand for: - optimism and willingness to deliver the most challenging logistics solutions - efficient information flow - given rates guarantee - on-time deliveries (even with most demanding customers KIPs) - cooperation with trusted, carefully selected and checked carriers - internal evaluation system of our activities and activities of our subcontractors - substantive consultancy services and support with regard to logistics processes (transport-shipping-logistics) - 4LC is a reliable supplier and an exemplary payer. We do much more than we are expected to continue our customers satisfaction.

Siedziba główna
Pruszków, mazowieckie
Transport, logistyka, łańcuch dostaw i składowanie

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Statystyki odwiedzin opublikowanych ogłoszeń i profilu pracodawcy

Odwiedziny w ostatnich 3 miesiącach

Profil firmy:
4LC Sp. z o.o. sp.k.
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:

  1. Bielsko-Biała

Data aktualizacji: 01.03.2025