Financial Chain Corporation to globalny lider w obszarze outsourcingu usług księgowych, zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi oraz doradztwa. Nasza misja to tworzenie przyjaznych miejsc pracy i świadczenie usług najwyższej jakości, podczas gdy dbamy o środowisko. Oferujemy szeroką gamę usług, w tym audyt i zapewnienie, a także usługi prawne i administracyjne. Dzięki innowacyjnym rozwiązaniom i kompleksowej obsłudze, wspieramy naszych klientów na całym świecie w osiąganiu sukcesów w dynamicznie zmieniającym się otoczeniu biznesowym.
Financial Chain Corporation LLC najczęściej poszukuje kandydatów
- na stanowiskach:
Kierownik regionalny
- w kategoriach zawodowych:
zarządzanie / dyrekcja

Oferty pracy Financial Chain Corporation LLC

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Oferty pracy, które mogą cię zainteresować

  • Kierownik produkcji

    LUBELSKI FORNIR sp. z o.o.
    • Łaszczów
    • umowa o pracę
    • rekrutacja zdalna
    Aplikuj szybko
  • Staż w Biurze Sprzedaży

    Lidl Polska sp. z o. o.
    • 4 960-5 704 zł brutto / mies.
    • Błonie
    • staż/praktyka
    • wideo
  • Kierownik regionalny

    Otto Bock Polska Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • praca od zaraz
    Aplikuj szybko

Mapa Financial Chain Corporation LLC

Siedziba główna w Czechach

Statystyki odwiedzin opublikowanych ogłoszeń i profilu pracodawcy

Odwiedziny w ostatnich 12 miesiącach

Profil firmy:
Financial Chain Corporation LLC
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:

  1. Warszawa
  2. Bielsko-Biała
  3. Rybnik
  4. Plock

Data aktualizacji: 01.03.2025

Praca Financial Chain Corporation LLC - oferty archiwalne

  • Country Manager in Warsaw

    Financial Chain Corporation LLC
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • kierownik/koordynator
    • Your responsibilities

      • A Country Manager will be responsible for managing all operations within a country. This involves taking responsibility for profit, revenue, cash and quality targets.
      • In the Corporate Relocations and International Removals Sector, a Country Manager job may include being in charge of many areas of the business such as moving services, global mobility and records management.
      • Agreeing annual budgets and producing a detailed annual business operating plan are tasks a Country Manager may have to deliver as well as monthly, quarterly or annual targets for revenue, profits and cash.
      • A key part of the role of Country Manger will be to produce business performance reports, which could be on a monthly or quarterly basis.
      • Country Managers are expected to recruit and manage staff, including performance monitoring, and possibly mentoring and training.
      • The role is client facing and so daily contact with clients is a big part of a Country Manager job, therefore the ability to communicate effectively is essential.
      • Developing and successfully implementing company policy with the Management Team
      • Directing strategy towards the profitable growth and operation of the company
      • Ensuring strategic operating plans are developed with the Management Team that reflect the longer-term objectives and priorities established within the overall “Company” Strategy
      • Ensuring that operating objectives and standards of performance are not only understood but owned by management and other employees
      • Closely monitoring the operating and financial results against plans and budgets
      • Taking remedial action within the local entity of the “Company” where necessary and informing the Board of Directors of significant changes
      • Maintaining the operational performance of the company
      • Making sure all operational performance is carried out compliant with Group policies
      • Putting in place and/or maintaining adequate operational planning and financial control systems
      • Representing the company to major customers and professional associations
      • Building and maintaining an effective Management Team
      • Maintain ongoing dialog with staff of representation from the staff
      • Ensuring succession planning on key positions
      • Assuming full accountability to the Board of Directors for all company operations
      • Maintaining an ongoing dialogue with the Board of Directors
      • Monitoring the actions of the Board Directors
      • Report on operational and financial progress of the local entity
      • Report on decisions made as Managing Director that met serious resistance within the organization

      Our requirements

      • Experience in financial and global teams, representation of a multinational company on regional level. Successful records of developing new and expanding existing businesses, general management of a local office.
      • Customer relationships management experience including customer-oriented marketing, holistic approach to quality and customer satisfaction.
      • Fluent English is a must
      • Financial degree in a relevant field

      We offer

      • Motivating financial evaluation
      • Interesting and good potential job in the international community
      • Self-realization and career development