Jesteśmy Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH, organizacją z głęboko zakorzenionymi wartościami i bogatą historią, która wyrosła z połączenia czterech tradycyjnych fundacji. Nasza misja to nie tylko nasz cel, ale nasza pasja – wspieranie osób z niepełnosprawnościami i innymi ograniczeniami w ich drodze do samodzielności i społecznej integracji.¶¶Z ponad 700 oddanymi pracownikami, jesteśmy dumni, że możemy oferować specjalistyczne usługi, które pomagają przełamywać bariery komunikacyjne. Nasze usługi, w tym Gebärdensprache (język migowy) oraz Unterstützte Kommunikation (wspomagana komunikacja), są nie tylko świadectwem naszej wiedzy fachowej, ale także naszego zaangażowania w promowanie inkluzji i równego uczestnictwa w życiu społecznym.¶¶Nasza siedziba znajduje się w Schleiz, w sercu Turyngii, ale nasze działania rozciągają się daleko poza jej granice, obejmując takie lokalizacje jak Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg i Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Każdego dnia pracujemy z pasją, aby nasi podopieczni mogli cieszyć się pełnią życia i aktywnie uczestniczyć w społeczeństwie.¶¶Chociaż nie możemy teraz podzielić się wszystkimi szczegółami naszej działalności, to możemy zapewnić, że nasze zaangażowanie w dostarczanie usług najwyższej jakości pozostaje niezmienne. W Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH wierzymy, że każdy ma prawo do komunikacji i samorealizacji, niezależnie od swoich ograniczeń.¶¶Zapraszamy do poznania naszej historii i dołączenia do naszego dążenia do tworzenia bardziej inkluzywnego świata. Razem możemy dokonać znaczącej zmiany.
Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH najczęściej poszukuje kandydatów
- w kategoriach zawodowych:
obsługa klienta / call center medycyna / farmacja / zdrowie logistyka / spedycja / transport bankowość / finanse administracja biurowa / praca biurowa

Oferty pracy Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH

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Data aktualizacji: 25.09.2024

Mapa Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH

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Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH poszukuje najczęściej pracowników na stanowiska

Praca Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH - oferty archiwalne

  • Warehouse & Production Operative

    Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH
    • Łódź
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      Mission StatementFor many years Fileder’s philosophy has been we strive to be ‘easy to deal with’. Being an independent and modern company means we can react quicker to client and industry needs, achieve compliance requirements and meet everyday challenges with more personal dedication, flexibility and ownership. Fileder is committed to providing clients with the quality of products and services they require, to keep its employees and relevant parties safe and healthy while at work or on the premises, and to minimise any negative impact its activities have on the environment; backed up by our three ISO certifications.Fileder Filter Systems is a privately owned medium size business, established in 1981, specialising in water treatment, and distributing process filtration product predominately from international suppliers and offering technical support. The UK Head Quarters are owned by Fileder Holdings and consist of a large state of the art warehouse facility with a stock holding of in excess of £7.5 million. Our recently established, brand new, tailored, high specification European operations are in place to combat the challenges of post-Brexit trade, ensure our European business partners continue to receive optimal levels of service and to accelerate growth within the European market and beyond.Your responsibilities
      • The ensure the efficient and immaculate storage and distribution of products in accordance with company and customer requirements
      • To ensure the prompt picking and error free despatch of goods in accordance with Fileder’s desired service levels
      • Pick stock required to fulfil sales orders and production orders
      • To manage the efficient storage and stock checking of products in the warehouse
      • To assist with the efficient and neat storage of all products, keeping them in a clean, protected and secure location, readily available and accessible
      • To consistently prepare the warehouse in readiness for deliveries, such as containers
      • To inspect items to comply with company standards and make sure non-conformances are raised with the UK Technical Team
      • Supporting the UK Technical Team on detailed inspections and other pertinent requirements
      • Having a keen eye for detail, taking pride in achieving optimal functionality of the warehouse
      • To ensure that the Production Area is kept in a clean, organised manner as required by Company standard
      • To organise and fulfil production duties such as workshop instructions, bill of materials, stock modification, cutting, relabelling, re-bagging efficiently and accurately and maintain accurate computer records (training will be provided by UK)
      • To ensure all modified stock meets the Company’s and customer’s quality requirements
      • To work as part of a team, being flexible to achieve the results demanded and maintain the high standards set, within time frames specified
      • To work in accordance with the Company’s health and safety policy, selecting the correct personal protective equipment and adopting safe working practices whilst manually handling products and stock
      • To, when required and as directed by Management, assist with stock checks
      • Prepare, record and collate information correctly relating to modifications, via SAP (training will be provided by UK)
      • To assist with the efficient and neat storage of all products, keeping them in a clean, protected and secure situation, readily available and accessible
      • To be aware of possible new and previously reported product non-conformances and report findings accordingly (training will be provided in UK)
      • To report any ideas, concerns or problems to the relevant personnel, in Management
      • To report back to Management on any personnel issues
      • The carry out any reasonable instructions given by management for the benefit of the Company
      Our requirements
      • Can effectively communicate in both English and Polish languages
      • Demonstrate some warehouse experience, training will be provided on Production requirements
      • Possess a preparedness to get involved in all aspects of the operation when requested to support the business function
      • Legal right to work
      • Valid Passport to facilitate all expenses paid training provided where applicable within Fileder Filter System state of the art UK facility
      Optional/ desirable
      • Recognised First Aid qualification
      • Experience of using SAP CRM
      We offer
      • Łódź
      • Valid for 30 days
      • Contract of employment
      • Full-time
      • Production Training provided
      • Salary – 5000 -6000 PLN (gross) per month Filter Systems Sp z. o.o.
      7r Park Lodz West II
      Maratonska 104a
      94-102 Lodz
  • Główna Księgowa / Główny Księgowy

    Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH
    • Konstantynów Łódzki
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      Główne zadania:
      • Odpowiedzialność za poprawne dekretowanie i księgowanie dokumentów finansowych zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami prawa, ustawą o rachunkowości i przepisami podatkowymi
      • Prowadzenie ewidencji środków trwałych
      • Współpraca z instytucjami zewnętrznymi
      • Ewidencja: rozliczanie: WDT, WNT, import, eksport
      • Odpowiedzialność za prawidłowe i poprawne przygotowanie danych niezbędnych w procesie budżetowania
      • Kalkulacja inwestycji
      • Rozliczanie kosztów produkcji na zamknięcie miesiąca
      • Udział w procesie zamykania miesiąca
      • Przygotowywanie raportów i sprawozdań na potrzeby polskiej sprawozdawczości
      • Bieżąca współpraca z innymi działami firmy w zakresie pozyskiwania danych biznesowych, ich analizy, kontroli i rekomendowanie nowych rozwiązań
      • Przygotowywanie propozycji i dokonywanie płatności w jednostce
      • Tworzenie analiz i raportów ad hoc na potrzeby firmy
      • Wykształcenie wyższe preferowane kierunki finanse, rachunkowość lub ekonomia
      • Znajomość zasad rachunkowości i MSSF
      • Znajomość języka angielskiego
      • Mile widziane doświadczenie w zakresie pracy w firmie produkcyjnej
      • Umiejętności analityczne
      • Znajomość pakietu MS Office (w szczególności Excel)
      • Stabilne zatrudnienie na podstawie umowy o pracę
      • Dobrą atmosferę w pracy
      • Dodatkowe ubezpieczenie grupowe na preferencyjnych warunkach
      • Pracę w firmie o ukształtowanej kulturze bezpieczeństwa
      • Pakiet opieki medycznej
      • Kartę sportową Benefit
  • Warehouse & Production Operative

    Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH
    • Łódź
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      • Valid for 30 days
      • Contract of employment
      • Full-time
      • Production Training provided
      • Salary – 5000 -6000 PLN (gross) per month
      Your responsibilities
      • The ensure the efficient and immaculate storage and distribution of products in accordance with company and customer requirements
      • To ensure the prompt picking and error free despatch of goods in accordance with Fileder’s desired service levels
      • Pick stock required to fulfil sales orders and production orders
      • To manage the efficient storage and stock checking of products in the warehouse
      • To assist with the efficient and neat storage of all products, keeping them in a clean, protected and secure location, readily available and accessible
      • To consistently prepare the warehouse in readiness for deliveries, such as containers
      • To inspect items to comply with company standards and make sure non-conformances are raised with the UK Technical Team
      • Supporting the UK Technical Team on detailed inspections and other pertinent requirements
      • Having a keen eye for detail, taking pride in achieving optimal functionality of the warehouse
      • To ensure that the Production Area is kept in a clean, organised manner as required by Company standard
      • To organise and fulfil production duties such as workshop instructions, bill of materials, stock modification, cutting, relabelling, re-bagging efficiently and accurately and maintain accurate computer records (training will be provided by UK)
      • To ensure all modified stock meets the Company’s and customer’s quality requirements
      • To work as part of a team, being flexible to achieve the results demanded and maintain the high standards set, within time frames specified
      • To work in accordance with the Company’s health and safety policy, selecting the correct personal protective equipment and adopting safe working practices whilst manually handling products and stock
      • To, when required and as directed by Management, assist with stock checks
      • Prepare, record and collate information correctly relating to modifications, via SAP (training will be provided by UK)
      • To assist with the efficient and neat storage of all products, keeping them in a clean, protected and secure situation, readily available and accessible
      • To be aware of possible new and previously reported product non-conformances and report findings accordingly (training will be provided in UK)
      • To report any ideas, concerns or problems to the relevant personnel, in Management
      • To report back to Management on any personnel issues
      • The carry out any reasonable instructions given by management for the benefit of the Company
      Our requirements
      • Can effectively communicate in both English and Polish languages
      • Demonstrate some warehouse experience, training will be provided on Production requirements
      • Possess a preparedness to get involved in all aspects of the operation when requested to support the business function
      • Legal right to work
      • Valid Passport to facilitate all expenses paid training provided where applicable within Fileder Filter System state of the art UK facility
      Optional/ desirable
      • Recognised First Aid qualification
      • Experience of using SAP CRM
      Mission StatementFor many years Fileder’s philosophy has been we strive to be ‘easy to deal with’. Being an independent and modern company means we can react quicker to client and industry needs, achieve compliance requirements and meet everyday challenges with more personal dedication, flexibility and ownership. Fileder is committed to providing clients with the quality of products and services they require, to keep its employees and relevant parties safe and healthy while at work or on the premises, and to minimise any negative impact its activities have on the environment; backed up by our three ISO certifications. Fileder Filter Systems is a privately owned medium size business, established in 1981, specialising in water treatment, and distributing process filtration product predominately from international suppliers and offering technical support. The UK Head Quarters are owned by Fileder Holdings and consist of a large state of the art warehouse facility with a stock holding of in excess of £7.5 million. Our recently established, brand new, tailored, high specification European operations are in place to combat the challenges of post-Brexit trade, ensure our European business partners continue to receive optimal levels of service and to accelerate growth within the European market and beyond.Fileder Filter Systems Sp z. o.o.7r Park Lodz West II
      Maratonska 104a
      94-102 Lodz
  • Customer service coordinator

    Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH
    • Łódź
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      Your responsibilities
      • As Customer Service Coordinator you will be required to offer complete customer service, with a focus on order entry, communication of such and nonconformances
      • To take customer orders accurately via phone, portal and email and computing these accurately and as efficiently as resources allow, ensuring box quantities and upsells are delivered at every opportunity
      • Enter orders and back-orders accurately onto the required system as required, including computer invoicing, documentation and reviewing accordingly
      • To manage customer accounts and highlight oversights, stocks, lead-times and other issues as and when they change
      Customer Satisfaction
      • Communicate internally with all departments to achieve customer satisfaction
      • Identify issues, propose solutions and take part in projects to contribute to operational and sales efficiency
      • To administer the needs of all existing and new customers, by personal contact by phone, email and visit to ensure complete satisfaction and maximising of sales opportunities
      • Work in Unison with Customer Service Coordinators to ensure all accounts are fully attended to, and that they are serviced appropriately and profitably
      • Administer general account/invoice/credit note queries, including copies, and resolve or raise approved credits accordingly
      • Review credit account facility in line with Company policy and be conversant with credit control procedures as required via use of Credit Safe programme, customer account review of trading figures and payment history
      • Keep pricing structures up to date on the sales database
      • Develop, maintain and enhance effective relationships with contacts within managed accounts, driving use of the portal when efficient
      • Be the customers’ general point of contact, ensuring customer requirements are met where possible
      • Up-date and maintain accurate records on the CRM systems by recording all correspondence and communication, ensuring activities and any non-conformances are clearly detailed and correctly actioned in a timely manner. The CSC will be required to keep customer information current allowing for easily retrievable information and data by others, for the production of marketing and sector performance analysis
      • To report regularly to the Product Team Manager on any issues, workload and all other matters as appropriate including data, input, ideas, feedback and overall performance of territory and sales efforts
      • To provide departmental cover
      • To carry out any reasonable instructions given by management for the benefit of the Company
      • The Customer Service Coordinator will report into the Channel Manager
      Our requirements
      • Fluent in both English and Polish language with good communication skills
      • Excellent administration skills
      • To carry out any reasonable instructions given by management for the benefit of the Company
      • Knowledge and experience of CRM systems in particular SAP
      We offer
      • Valid for 30 days
      • Contract of employment
      • Full-time
      • Salary – 5,500 -6,500 PLN/ month (gross)
      ContactJames Quiggin​ Filter Systems sp z. o.o.
      (currently under the name Forsellina sp. z o.o.)
      7r Park Lodz West II
      Maratonska 104a
      94-102 Lodz
  • Technical Account Manager

    Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH
    • Łódź
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      Your responsibilities
      • As Technical Account Manager you will be required to explore and maximise opportunities within the existing customer base, whilst maintaining a particular focus on obtaining new business across your area
      • To personally achieve the profit and sales target for your area
      • To systematically analyse data (eg order history, inactive accounts, low activity accounts etc) to identify and qualify target customer/products for increasing sales
      • Identify and select primary and secondary potential customers for periods of sales targeting (relevant to territory), concentrating on converting prospective business to achieve sales goals and profitability
      • Determine pricing for managed accounts
      • Maximise communication opportunities with customers and ensure all opportunities are correctly followed up to maximise sales potential
      • Initiating and coordinating the development of action plans to penetrate new markets
      • Advise existing customers on product choice as well as introducing new products and/or applications to increase sales
      Customer Satisfaction
      • Communicate internally with all departments to achieve customer satisfaction
      • Identify issues, propose solutions and take part in projects to contribute to operational and sales efficiency
      • To administer the needs of all existing and new customers, by personal contact by phone, email and visit to ensure complete satisfaction and maximising of sales opportunities
      • Work in Unison with UK based Customer Service Coordinators to ensure all accounts are fully attended to, and that they are serviced appropriately and profitably
      • The Technical Account Manager will report on a regular basis to the Channel Manager – Account Management with data, input, ideas, feedback and overall performance of territory and sales efforts
      • To report to Marketing Department in the UK opportunities, trends and competitive activities and feedback on any Marketing Plans
      Our requirements
      • Fluent in both English and Polish language with good communication skills
      • Demonstrate a proven, strong track record of consistently achieving sales targets
      • Excellent administration skills
      • Work out of hours and travelling to meet customers and agents in the territory
      • To carry out any reasonable instructions given by management for the benefit of the Company
      • Knowledge and experience of CRM systems in particular SAP
      We offer
      • Valid for 30 days
      • Contract of employment
      • Full-time
      • Business expenses included
      • Salary 9,417 – 10,834 PLN/ month (gross)
      ContactJames Quiggin​ Park Lodz West II
      Maratonska 104a
      94-102 Lodz
  • Premises Manager

    Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH
    • Łódź
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      Your responsibilities
      • As Premises Manager you will be responsible for the day to day running of the building and its operations (including opening and closing the building on a daily basis). It is imperative that you are prepared to involve yourself in all aspects of its operation where necessary
      • Managing and where applicable assisting the work of subordinate staff in accordance with the adopted procedures, rules and regulations
      • Manage company administration, staff attendance and report accordingly to assist daily operations and facilitate payroll processes
      • To initiate, manage and facilitate the distribution of international orders in accordance with company standards
      • To purchase and mange importation of stock purchases from international suppliers
      • To facilitate stock checks as and when required at the instruction of Management
      • Manage and promote the maintenance of the working environment including driving health and safety standards across your operational area
      • Continuously measure and evaluate the departmental goals and all work processes to achieve Fileder’s excellent standards
      • To performance manage subordinate staff in accordance with company guidelines and targets
      • Liaise with Technical Account Managers in both UK and Poland, where required, to facilitate exceptional levels of service, to find solutions to issues that may arise and ensure optimal communication throughout
      Our requirements
      • Fluent in both English and Polish language with good communication skills
      • University qualified
      • Excellent administration skills
      • Management experience
      • Possess a preparedness to get involved where required in functions relating to both office and warehouse environment to support business function
      • Demonstrate a strong track record of problem solving and a capability to look at and find solutions for a variety of operational challenges
      • IT literate in Program usage
      • Legal right to work
      • Knowledge of polish labor law and connected safety regulations
      • Knowledge and experience of CRM system in particular SAP
      • Recognised First Aid qualification
      • Valid forklift truck license (UDT Category 1)
      We offer
      • Valid for 30 days
      • Contract of employment
      • Full-time
      • Manager
      • Salary 10,000 – 11,250 PLN/ month (gross)
      ContactJames Quiggin​ Filter Systems sp z. o.o. (currently under the name Forsellina sp. z o.o.)
      7r Park Lodz West II
      Maratonska 104a
      94-102 Lodz
  • Warehouse Supervisor

    Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH
    • Łódź
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      Your responsibilities
      • The ensure the efficient and immaculate storage and distribution of products in accordance with company and customer requirements
      • Required to understand all processes within the warehouse, including goods-in and despatch
      • To ensure the prompt picking and error free despatch of goods in accordance with Fileder’s desired service levels
      • Pick stock required to fulfil sales orders and production orders
      • To manage the efficient storage and stock checking of products in the warehouse
      • To assist with the efficient and neat storage of all products, keeping them in a clean, protected and secure location, readily available and accessible
      • To consistently prepare the warehouse in readiness for deliveries, such as containers
      • To inspect items to comply with company standards and make sure non-conformances are raised with the UK Technical Team
      • Supporting the UK Technical Team on detailed inspections and other pertinent requirements
      • Having a keen eye for detail, taking pride in achieving optimal functionality of the warehouse
      Our requirements
      • Fluent in both English and Polish language with good communication skills
      • Demonstrate desired level of warehouse experience
      • Possess a preparedness to get involved in all aspects of the operation when requested to support the business function
      • Valid forklift truck license (UDT Category 1)
      • Legal right to work
      • Recognised First Aid qualification
      We offer
      • Valid for 30 days
      • Contract of employment
      • Full-time
      • Salary 6,750 – 8,200 PLN/ month (gross)
      ContactJames Quiggin​
      Fileder Filter Systems sp z. o.o. (currently under the name Forsellina sp. z o.o.)
      7r Park Lodz West II
      Maratonska 104a
      94-102 Lodz
  • Technical Account Manager

    Herbert Feuchte Stiftungsverbund gemeinnützige GmbH
    • Łódź
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      Your responsibilities
      • As Technical Account Manager you will be required to explore and maximise opportunities within the existing customer base, whilst maintaining a particular focus on obtaining new business across your area
      • To personally achieve the profit and sales target for your area
      • To systematically analyse data (eg order history, inactive accounts, low activity accounts etc) to identify and qualify target customer/products for increasing sales
      • Identify and select primary and secondary potential customers for periods of sales targeting (relevant to territory), concentrating on converting prospective business to achieve sales goals and profitability
      • Determine pricing for managed accounts
      • Maximise communication opportunities with customers and ensure all opportunities are correctly followed up to maximise sales potential
      • Initiating and coordinating the development of action plans to penetrate new markets
      • Advise existing customers on product choice as well as introducing new products and/or applications to increase sales
      Customer Satisfaction
      • Communicate internally with all departments to achieve customer satisfaction
      • Identify issues, propose solutions and take part in projects to contribute to operational and sales efficiency
      • To administer the needs of all existing and new customers, by personal contact by phone, email and visit to ensure complete satisfaction and maximising of sales opportunities
      • Work in Unison with UK based Customer Service Coordinators to ensure all accounts are fully attended to, and that they are serviced appropriately and profitably
      • The Technical Account Manager will report on a regular basis to the Channel Manager – Account Management with data, input, ideas, feedback and overall performance of territory and sales efforts
      • To report to Marketing Department in the UK opportunities, trends and competitive activities and feedback on any Marketing Plans
      Our requirements
      • Fluent in both English and Polish language with good communication skills
      • Demonstrate a proven, strong track record of consistently achieving sales targets
      • Excellent administration skills
      • Work out of hours and travelling to meet customers and agents in the territory
      • To carry out any reasonable instructions given by management for the benefit of the Company
      • Knowledge and experience of CRM systems in particular SAP
      We offer
      • Valid for 30 days
      • Contract of employment
      • Full-time
      • Company Vehicle
      • Fully expensed
      • Salary 8,600 – 10,000 PLN/ month (gross)
      ContactJames Quiggin​
      Fileder Filter Systems sp z. o.o. (currently under the name Forsellina sp. z o.o.)
      7r Park Lodz West II
      Maratonska 104a
      94-102 Lodz