Jesteśmy Itransition Sp. z o.o., innowacyjną firmą technologiczną z siedzibą w sercu Warszawy. Nasza podróż rozpoczęła się od pasji do tworzenia zaawansowanych systemów komputerowych, które ułatwiają życie i pracę ludzi na całym świecie. Specjalizujemy się w projektowaniu i wdrażaniu rozwiązań cyfrowych, które przekształcają branże i pomagają naszym klientom osiągać niezwykłe wyniki.¶¶Nasza oferta obejmuje szeroki zakres usług, od rozwoju aplikacji korporacyjnych i konsumenckich po inżynierię produktów oprogramowania, a także QA i testowanie. Jesteśmy dumni z naszej zdolności do zapewniania bezpieczeństwa aplikacji przedsiębiorstw, co jest niezbędne w dzisiejszym cyfrowym świecie. Nasza platforma zarządzania portfelem inwestycyjnym TradeStops, wyposażona w zaawansowane zarządzanie ryzykiem i inteligentne alerty, obsługuje ponad 30,000 inwestorów z Ameryki Północnej, a nasze rozwiązania AI dla globalnego detalisty mody zwiększają konwersję o 8% i obniżają koszty infrastruktury o 50%.¶¶Z dumą współpracujemy z ponad 800 klientami, w tym z wielonarodową firmą farmaceutyczną z USA, dla której nasza analityka rynku jest 10x szybsza niż standardowe rozwiązania. Nasze innowacyjne podejście do technologii pozwoliło nam zarządzać portfelami inwestycyjnymi o wartości 20 miliardów dolarów i obsługiwać ponad 20 milionów klientów korzystających z zakupów wspomaganych przez AI.¶¶Nasza obecność jest globalna, zasięgamy 40 krajów na mapie dostaw, co świadczy o naszej międzynarodowej renomie i zaufaniu, jakim darzą nas klienci. Jesteśmy częścią Itransition Holding Limited, co zapewnia nam stabilność finansową i umożliwia dalszy rozwój oraz inwestycje w innowacje.¶¶Choć nie podajemy tutaj naszych wartości i misji, to każdego dnia nasze działania są ich odzwierciedleniem. Dążymy do tego, by każde rozwiązanie, które tworzymy, było nie tylko technologicznie zaawansowane, ale także intuicyjne i przyjazne dla użytkownika. Wierzymy, że technologia powinna służyć ludziom, a nie na odwrót.¶¶Zapraszamy do współpracy z Itransition Sp. z o.o. – razem możemy tworzyć technologie, które zmieniają świat na lepsze.
Itransition sp. z o.o. najczęściej poszukuje kandydatów
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it (informatyka) księgowość / ekonomia administracja biurowa / praca biurowa

Oferty pracy Itransition sp. z o.o.

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Data aktualizacji: 25.09.2024

Mapa Itransition sp. z o.o.

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Profil firmy:
Itransition sp. z o.o.
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:

  1. Bielsko-Biała
  2. Kraków
  3. Namyslów
  4. Łódź
  5. Poznań
  6. Warszawa
  7. Wrocław

Data aktualizacji: 01.03.2025

Praca Itransition sp. z o.o. - oferty archiwalne

  • DevOps Engineer

    Itransition sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      DevOps Engineer ul. Grzybowska 62, Warszawa / Partly Remote
      3 500 - 7 000 USD gross/month - PermanentWe are looking for experienced developers that are willing to solve complex technical issues while developing high quality software systems using modern technologies.Itransition is one of the leading global software development companies acknowledged by Forrester, Deloitte, Zinnov Research, and more.With headquarters and delivery centers in Europe and USA, we work with both established technologies and tools like .NET, RoR, Python, PHP, and Java, as well as technology trends like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality, Internet of Things & Machine Learning. No wonder Itransition is growing rapidly, taking new members onboard each year. We continuously enroll in certification programs by industry leaders, and remain compliant with global standards.More about the company you can read here: we expect from you:
      • 3+ years of experience in IT
      • Knowledge of script programming (Bash, Python or Ruby)
      • Administrative experience with Windows or Linux, setup and maintenance of Web, Application or Database servers
      • Experience with tools for infrastructure deployment automation (Ansible, Chef, Puppet or Terraform)
      • Experience with the setup and maintenance of CI/CD platforms (Jenkins, TeamCity, Azure DevOps, GitLab, etc.)
      • English skills should be sufficient for taking part in conversations on the technical aspects of projects
      It would be a plus to have:
      • Hands-on experience with cloud services (MS Azure, AWS, Google Cloud)
      • Understanding the principles of deployment configuration for achieving required level of performance, security, availability, and fault tolerance
      • Experience with the monitoring and support of high load Production systems
      • Experience with Kubernetes
      • Experience in creating technical documentation
      We can offer:
      • Working in a world’s leading software engineering company according to Forrester, Deloitte, Zinnov Research
      • Projects for such clients as PayPal, Wargaming, Xerox, Philips, Adidas, and Toyota;
      • Opportunity to work on leading-edge platforms and technologies;
      • Flexible schedule and possibility to work entirely remotely;
      • Competitive compensation that depends on your qualification and skills;
      • Regular performance feedback and salary reviews;
      • Corporate events, holiday celebrations, team building activities.
  • Project manager

    Itransition sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      Project Managerul. Grzybowska 62, Warszawa / Partly Remote
      10 000 - 18 000 PLN gross/month - PermanentWe are looking for experienced project managers who are able to run projects within the chosen scope of methodologies, as well as successfully achieving project outcomes.Itransition is one of the leading global software development companies acknowledged by Forrester, Deloitte, Zinnov Research, and more.With headquarters and delivery centers in Europe and USA, we work with both established technologies and tools like .NET, RoR, Python, PHP, and Java, as well as technology trends like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality, Internet of Things & Machine Learning. No wonder Itransition is growing rapidly, taking new members onboard each year. We continuously enroll in certification programs by industry leaders, and remain compliant with global standards.More about the company you can read here: What we expect from you:
      • Minimum of 3 years of project management experience
      • Knowledge of the principles and methodologies of Agile software development
      • Experience of successful start to finish project management within the chosen scope of methodologies
      • Experience in team, budget and risk management
      • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to coordinate cross-functional teams
      • Experience in customer relationship management and expectation management
      • Upper-Intermediate or above level of English
      Would be a plus to have:
      • Agile Methodology or PMI certification
      • Knowledge of facilitation techniques and practices
      • Experience with Jira and Confluence
      We can offer:
      • Working in a world’s leading software engineering company according to Forrester, Deloitte, Zinnov Research
      • Projects for such clients as PayPal, Wargaming, Xerox, Philips, adidas and Toyota;
      • Opportunity to work on leading-edge platforms and technologies;
      • Competitive compensation that depends on your qualification and skills;
      • Regular performance feedback and salary reviews;
      • Flexible working hours aligned to your schedule.
  • Salesforce developer

    Itransition sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      Salesforce Developerul. Grzybowska 62, Warszawa / Partly Remote
      10 000 - 20 000 PLN gross/month - PermanentWe are looking for an experienced Salesforce developer to join our Engineering team with a long-term mission. If you are motivated by solving complex technical problems, we would be happy to meet you!Itransition is one of the leading global software development companies acknowledged by Forrester, Deloitte, Zinnov Research, and more.With headquarters and delivery centers in Europe and USA, we work with both established technologies and tools like .NET, RoR, Python, PHP, and Java, as well as technology trends like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality, Internet of Things & Machine Learning. No wonder Itransition is growing rapidly, taking new members onboard each year. We continuously enroll in certification programs by industry leaders, and remain compliant with global standards.More about the company you can read here: What we expect from you:
      • 2+ years of experience in IT
      • Hands-on experience in development on the platform, including Apex, VisualForce, SOQL
      • Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript
      • English language level sufficient for written communication
      It would be a plus to have:
      • Experience in integration with external systems using REST / SOAP web services
      • Experience with automated testing
      • Experience in Lightning Components development
      We can offer:
      • Working in a world’s leading software engineering company according to Forrester, Deloitte, Zinnov Research
      • Projects for such clients as PayPal, Wargaming, Xerox, Philips, Adidas, and Toyota;
      • Opportunity to work on leading-edge platforms and technologies;
      • Flexible schedule and possibility to work entirely remotely;
      • Competitive compensation that depends on your qualification and skills;
      • Regular performance feedback and salary reviews;
      • Corporate events, holiday celebrations, team building activities.
  • .Net Developer

    Itransition sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      .Net Developer ul. Grzybowska 62, Warszawa / Partly Remote
      10 000 - 20 000 PLN gross/month - PermanentWe are looking for a .NET Developer to join the team of our brand-new office in Warsaw.Itransition is one of the leading global software development companies acknowledged by Forrester, Deloitte, Zinnov Research, and more.With headquarters and delivery centers in Europe and USA, we work with both established technologies and tools like .NET, RoR, Python, PHP, and Java, as well as technology trends like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality, Internet of Things & Machine Learning. No wonder Itransition is growing rapidly, taking new members onboard each year. We continuously enroll in certification programs by industry leaders, and remain compliant with global standards.More about the company you can read here: What we expect from you:
      • 2+ years of experience in IT
      • Experience with Microsoft .NET, knowledge of ASP.NET MVC and Web API
      • Experience with databases (SQL or NoSQL), ORM frameworks
      • English language level sufficient for written communication
      It would be a plus to have:
      • Experience with Frontend development (HTML 5, JavaScript / TypeScript, Angular / React, etc.)
      • Experience with automated testing
      • Knowledge of containerization principles, hands-on experience with Docker
      We can offer:
      • Working in a world’s leading software engineering company according to Forrester, Deloitte, Zinnov Research
      • Projects for such clients as PayPal, Wargaming, Xerox, Philips, Adidas, and Toyota;
      • Opportunity to work on leading-edge platforms and technologies;
      • Flexible schedule and possibility to work entirely remotely;
      • Competitive compensation that depends on your qualification and skills;
      • Regular performance feedback and salary reviews;
      • Corporate events, holiday celebrations, team building activities.
  • PHP Developer

    Itransition sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      PHP Developer ul. Grzybowska 62, Warszawa / Partly Remote
      10 000 - 20 000 PLN gross/month - PermanentWe are looking for experienced developers that are willing to solve complex technical issues while developing high quality software systems using modern technologies.Itransition is one of the leading global software development companies acknowledged by Forrester, Deloitte, Zinnov Research, and more.With headquarters and delivery centers in Europe and USA, we work with both established technologies and tools like .NET, RoR, Python, PHP, and Java, as well as technology trends like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality, Internet of Things & Machine Learning. No wonder Itransition is growing rapidly, taking new members onboard each year. We continuously enroll in certification programs by industry leaders, and remain compliant with global standards.More about the company you can read here: we expect from you:
      • 2+ years of experience in IT
      • Knowledge of PHP 5-8, experience with PHP frameworks (Symfony, Laravel, Yii, etc.)
      • Knowledge of MySQL or other RDBMS, NoSQL solutions
      • English skills should be sufficient for written communication
      Would be a plus to have:
      • Experience in Frontend development (HTML 5, JavaScript / TypeScript, Angular / React, etc.)
      • Experience with automated testing
      • Knowledge of containerisation principles, hands-on experience with Docker.
      We can offer:
      • Working in a world’s leading software engineering company according to Forrester, Deloitte, Zinnov Research
      • Projects for such clients as PayPal, Wargaming, Xerox, Philips, Adidas, and Toyota;
      • Opportunity to work on leading-edge platforms and technologies;
      • Flexible schedule and possibility to work entirely remotely;
      • Competitive compensation that depends on your qualification and skills;
      • Regular performance feedback and salary reviews;
      • Corporate events, holiday celebrations, team building activities.

Pracodawcy w Warszawie i okolicy