Od naszego skromnego początku w listopadzie 2010 roku, Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o. rozwijała się, stając się rozpoznawalnym graczem w dynamicznie zmieniającym się sektorze usług informacyjnych. Z siedzibą w sercu Poznania, jesteśmy dumni z tego, że nasza firma stała się domem dla 46 wyjątkowych talentów, których zaangażowanie i wiedza są fundamentem naszego sukcesu.¶¶Nasza misja jest jasna – dostarczamy innowacyjne rozwiązania w obszarze informacji, które nie tylko odpowiadają na aktualne potrzeby rynku, ale również antycypują przyszłe wyzwania. W 2022 roku świętowaliśmy wzrost przychodów netto ze sprzedaży o 10,41%, co jest świadectwem naszej nieustannej dążności do doskonałości i adaptacji w zmieniającym się świecie.¶¶Rozumiemy, że wzrost to nie tylko liczby. To także odpowiedzialność i ciągły rozwój. Chociaż marża zysku netto w 2022 roku spadła o 0,72%, to nie zatrzymało nas to w dążeniu do bycia lepszymi i oferowaniu wartościowych usług naszym klientom. Każde wyzwanie traktujemy jako okazję do nauki i poprawy.¶¶W Vector Synergy cenimy transparentność, innowacyjność i partnerstwo. Wierzymy, że zaufanie i współpraca są kluczami do tworzenia trwałych relacji z naszymi klientami i partnerami. Nasze podejście jest proste – słuchamy, analizujemy i działamy, aby dostarczać rozwiązania, które są nie tylko efektywne, ale także przystępne i zrozumiałe dla wszystkich.¶¶Jesteśmy dumni z naszej historii i podekscytowani przyszłością. Zapraszamy do śledzenia naszej podróży, gdy kontynuujemy nasze dążenie do bycia liderem w dostarczaniu usług informacyjnych, które napędzają innowacje i wzrost. Razem możemy tworzyć lepszą przyszłość dla nas wszystkich.
Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o. najczęściej poszukuje kandydatów
- w kategoriach zawodowych:
sprzedaż / zakupy księgowość / ekonomia

Oferty pracy Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.

Praca alert - powiadomienia

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  • Prywatna opieka medyczna
  • Spotkania integracyjne
  • Strefa relaksu

Podane powyżej benefity nie są oficjalnym elementem oferty pracy. Zostały wyselekcjonowane na podstawie historycznych ogłoszeń za pomocą algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji.
Data aktualizacji: 01.12.2023

Mapa Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.

Siedziba główna

Godziny otwarcia Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.

poniedziałek 09:00 - 17:00
wtorek 09:00 - 17:00
środa 09:00 - 17:00
czwartek 09:00 - 17:00
piątek 09:00 - 17:00
sobota Zamknięte
niedziela Zamknięte

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Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o. poszukuje najczęściej pracowników na stanowiska

Statystyki odwiedzin opublikowanych ogłoszeń i profilu pracodawcy

Odwiedziny w ostatnich 11 miesiącach

Profil firmy:
Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:

  1. Wrocław
  2. Warszawa
  3. Katowice
  4. Bielsko-Biała
  5. Poznań

Data aktualizacji: 01.03.2025

Praca Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o. - oferty archiwalne

  • HR Data Agent

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Kielce
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Are you ready to join our recruitment team and to:
      • become a part of task force team for creating perfect application documents for our candidates
      • meet deadlines of critical missions for our defense sector clients
      • pay attention to details and polish your analytical abilities


      We need you to:
      • speak English as your native language or speak it as if it were
      • be a master in preparing sensitive application documents (CVs, Compliance Matrixes, Excel spreadsheets) in requested formats based on candidates’ original CVs
      • be able to think analytically so that you can cross-check candidates’ CVs against the requirements and duties from a specific job description to verify their expertise is properly showcased
      • have a sniper accuracy to research the details of each job description in order to identify key words
      • contact candidates from all over Europe in order to gather information required in their application documents
      • keep the candidate’s experience at the top level throughout the process
      • assure full compliance with both internal and clients’ standards, such as format and stylesheet, as well as proofread documents to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, accuracy of proper names of IT tools, methodologies, and institutions
      • be self-driven so that you can conduct a project until completion on your own
      • have the ability to complete high-volume tasks with efficiency and pace
      • have the curiosity of new domains like IT, Cyber Security or military
      • cooperate with HR Team members


      We offer:
      • full time employment with a good basic salary and attractive bonus system
      • opportunity to work with the top world institutions (NATO/EU)
      • extensive training on the job with a dedicated mentor
      • psychological support offered by an external specialist
      • Luxmed health care
      • Training fund
      • Multisport pass
      • Possibility to join a group life insurance
      • Boxing lessons with a professional coach Krzysztof Chudecki (Poznań)
      • Relaxing massage (Poznań)
  • HR Data Agent

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Białystok
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Are you ready to join our recruitment team and to:
      • become a part of task force team for creating perfect application documents for our candidates
      • meet deadlines of critical missions for our defense sector clients
      • pay attention to details and polish your analytical abilities


      We need you to:
      • speak English as your native language or speak it as if it were
      • be a master in preparing sensitive application documents (CVs, Compliance Matrixes, Excel spreadsheets) in requested formats based on candidates’ original CVs
      • be able to think analytically so that you can cross-check candidates’ CVs against the requirements and duties from a specific job description to verify their expertise is properly showcased
      • have a sniper accuracy to research the details of each job description in order to identify key words
      • contact candidates from all over Europe in order to gather information required in their application documents
      • keep the candidate’s experience at the top level throughout the process
      • assure full compliance with both internal and clients’ standards, such as format and stylesheet, as well as proofread documents to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, accuracy of proper names of IT tools, methodologies, and institutions
      • be self-driven so that you can conduct a project until completion on your own
      • have the ability to complete high-volume tasks with efficiency and pace
      • have the curiosity of new domains like IT, Cyber Security or military
      • cooperate with HR Team members


      We offer:
      • full time employment with a good basic salary and attractive bonus system
      • opportunity to work with the top world institutions (NATO/EU)
      • extensive training on the job with a dedicated mentor
      • psychological support offered by an external specialist
      • Luxmed health care
      • Training fund
      • Multisport pass
      • Possibility to join a group life insurance
      • Boxing lessons with a professional coach Krzysztof Chudecki (Poznań)
      • Relaxing massage (Poznań)
  • HR Data Agent

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Olsztyn
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Are you ready to join our recruitment team and to:
      • become a part of task force team for creating perfect application documents for our candidates
      • meet deadlines of critical missions for our defense sector clients
      • pay attention to details and polish your analytical abilities


      We need you to:
      • speak English as your native language or speak it as if it were
      • be a master in preparing sensitive application documents (CVs, Compliance Matrixes, Excel spreadsheets) in requested formats based on candidates’ original CVs
      • be able to think analytically so that you can cross-check candidates’ CVs against the requirements and duties from a specific job description to verify their expertise is properly showcased
      • have a sniper accuracy to research the details of each job description in order to identify key words
      • contact candidates from all over Europe in order to gather information required in their application documents
      • keep the candidate’s experience at the top level throughout the process
      • assure full compliance with both internal and clients’ standards, such as format and stylesheet, as well as proofread documents to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, accuracy of proper names of IT tools, methodologies, and institutions
      • be self-driven so that you can conduct a project until completion on your own
      • have the ability to complete high-volume tasks with efficiency and pace
      • have the curiosity of new domains like IT, Cyber Security or military
      • cooperate with HR Team members


      We offer:
      • full time employment with a good basic salary and attractive bonus system
      • opportunity to work with the top world institutions (NATO/EU)
      • extensive training on the job with a dedicated mentor
      • psychological support offered by an external specialist
      • Luxmed health care
      • Training fund
      • Multisport pass
      • Possibility to join a group life insurance
      • Boxing lessons with a professional coach Krzysztof Chudecki (Poznań)
      • Relaxing massage (Poznań)
  • HR Data Agent

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Łódź
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Are you ready to join our recruitment team and to:
      • become a part of task force team for creating perfect application documents for our candidates
      • meet deadlines of critical missions for our defense sector clients
      • pay attention to details and polish your analytical abilities


      We need you to:
      • speak English as your native language or speak it as if it were
      • be a master in preparing sensitive application documents (CVs, Compliance Matrixes, Excel spreadsheets) in requested formats based on candidates’ original CVs
      • be able to think analytically so that you can cross-check candidates’ CVs against the requirements and duties from a specific job description to verify their expertise is properly showcased
      • have a sniper accuracy to research the details of each job description in order to identify key words
      • contact candidates from all over Europe in order to gather information required in their application documents
      • keep the candidate’s experience at the top level throughout the process
      • assure full compliance with both internal and clients’ standards, such as format and stylesheet, as well as proofread documents to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, accuracy of proper names of IT tools, methodologies, and institutions
      • be self-driven so that you can conduct a project until completion on your own
      • have the ability to complete high-volume tasks with efficiency and pace
      • have the curiosity of new domains like IT, Cyber Security or military
      • cooperate with HR Team members


      We offer:
      • full time employment with a good basic salary and attractive bonus system
      • opportunity to work with the top world institutions (NATO/EU)
      • extensive training on the job with a dedicated mentor
      • psychological support offered by an external specialist
      • Luxmed health care
      • Training fund
      • Multisport pass
      • Possibility to join a group life insurance
      • Boxing lessons with a professional coach Krzysztof Chudecki (Poznań)
      • Relaxing massage (Poznań)
  • HR Data Agent

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Lublin
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Are you ready to join our recruitment team and to:
      • become a part of task force team for creating perfect application documents for our candidates
      • meet deadlines of critical missions for our defense sector clients
      • pay attention to details and polish your analytical abilities


      We need you to:
      • speak English as your native language or speak it as if it were
      • be a master in preparing sensitive application documents (CVs, Compliance Matrixes, Excel spreadsheets) in requested formats based on candidates’ original CVs
      • be able to think analytically so that you can cross-check candidates’ CVs against the requirements and duties from a specific job description to verify their expertise is properly showcased
      • have a sniper accuracy to research the details of each job description in order to identify key words
      • contact candidates from all over Europe in order to gather information required in their application documents
      • keep the candidate’s experience at the top level throughout the process
      • assure full compliance with both internal and clients’ standards, such as format and stylesheet, as well as proofread documents to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, accuracy of proper names of IT tools, methodologies, and institutions
      • be self-driven so that you can conduct a project until completion on your own
      • have the ability to complete high-volume tasks with efficiency and pace
      • have the curiosity of new domains like IT, Cyber Security or military
      • cooperate with HR Team members


      We offer:
      • full time employment with a good basic salary and attractive bonus system
      • opportunity to work with the top world institutions (NATO/EU)
      • extensive training on the job with a dedicated mentor
      • psychological support offered by an external specialist
      • Luxmed health care
      • Training fund
      • Multisport pass
      • Possibility to join a group life insurance
      • Boxing lessons with a professional coach Krzysztof Chudecki (Poznań)
      • Relaxing massage (Poznań)
  • HR Data Agent

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Gorzów Wielkopolski
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Are you ready to join our recruitment team and to:
      • become a part of task force team for creating perfect application documents for our candidates
      • meet deadlines of critical missions for our defense sector clients
      • pay attention to details and polish your analytical abilities


      We need you to:
      • speak English as your native language or speak it as if it were
      • be a master in preparing sensitive application documents (CVs, Compliance Matrixes, Excel spreadsheets) in requested formats based on candidates’ original CVs
      • be able to think analytically so that you can cross-check candidates’ CVs against the requirements and duties from a specific job description to verify their expertise is properly showcased
      • have a sniper accuracy to research the details of each job description in order to identify key words
      • contact candidates from all over Europe in order to gather information required in their application documents
      • keep the candidate’s experience at the top level throughout the process
      • assure full compliance with both internal and clients’ standards, such as format and stylesheet, as well as proofread documents to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, accuracy of proper names of IT tools, methodologies, and institutions
      • be self-driven so that you can conduct a project until completion on your own
      • have the ability to complete high-volume tasks with efficiency and pace
      • have the curiosity of new domains like IT, Cyber Security or military
      • cooperate with HR Team members


      We offer:
      • full time employment with a good basic salary and attractive bonus system
      • opportunity to work with the top world institutions (NATO/EU)
      • extensive training on the job with a dedicated mentor
      • psychological support offered by an external specialist
      • Luxmed health care
      • Training fund
      • Multisport pass
      • Possibility to join a group life insurance
      • Boxing lessons with a professional coach Krzysztof Chudecki (Poznań)
      • Relaxing massage (Poznań)
  • HR Data Agent

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Wrocław
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Are you ready to join our recruitment team and to:
      • become a part of task force team for creating perfect application documents for our candidates
      • meet deadlines of critical missions for our defense sector clients
      • pay attention to details and polish your analytical abilities


      We need you to:
      • speak English as your native language or speak it as if it were
      • be a master in preparing sensitive application documents (CVs, Compliance Matrixes, Excel spreadsheets) in requested formats based on candidates’ original CVs
      • be able to think analytically so that you can cross-check candidates’ CVs against the requirements and duties from a specific job description to verify their expertise is properly showcased
      • have a sniper accuracy to research the details of each job description in order to identify key words
      • contact candidates from all over Europe in order to gather information required in their application documents
      • keep the candidate’s experience at the top level throughout the process
      • assure full compliance with both internal and clients’ standards, such as format and stylesheet, as well as proofread documents to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, accuracy of proper names of IT tools, methodologies, and institutions
      • be self-driven so that you can conduct a project until completion on your own
      • have the ability to complete high-volume tasks with efficiency and pace
      • have the curiosity of new domains like IT, Cyber Security or military
      • cooperate with HR Team members


      We offer:
      • full time employment with a good basic salary and attractive bonus system
      • opportunity to work with the top world institutions (NATO/EU)
      • extensive training on the job with a dedicated mentor
      • psychological support offered by an external specialist
      • Luxmed health care
      • Training fund
      • Multisport pass
      • Possibility to join a group life insurance
      • Boxing lessons with a professional coach Krzysztof Chudecki (Poznań)
      • Relaxing massage (Poznań)
  • HR Data Agent

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Bydgoszcz
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Are you ready to join our recruitment team and to:
      • become a part of task force team for creating perfect application documents for our candidates
      • meet deadlines of critical missions for our defense sector clients
      • pay attention to details and polish your analytical abilities


      We need you to:
      • speak English as your native language or speak it as if it were
      • be a master in preparing sensitive application documents (CVs, Compliance Matrixes, Excel spreadsheets) in requested formats based on candidates’ original CVs
      • be able to think analytically so that you can cross-check candidates’ CVs against the requirements and duties from a specific job description to verify their expertise is properly showcased
      • have a sniper accuracy to research the details of each job description in order to identify key words
      • contact candidates from all over Europe in order to gather information required in their application documents
      • keep the candidate’s experience at the top level throughout the process
      • assure full compliance with both internal and clients’ standards, such as format and stylesheet, as well as proofread documents to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, accuracy of proper names of IT tools, methodologies, and institutions
      • be self-driven so that you can conduct a project until completion on your own
      • have the ability to complete high-volume tasks with efficiency and pace
      • have the curiosity of new domains like IT, Cyber Security or military
      • cooperate with HR Team members


      We offer:
      • full time employment with a good basic salary and attractive bonus system
      • opportunity to work with the top world institutions (NATO/EU)
      • extensive training on the job with a dedicated mentor
      • psychological support offered by an external specialist
      • Luxmed health care
      • Training fund
      • Multisport pass
      • Possibility to join a group life insurance
      • Boxing lessons with a professional coach Krzysztof Chudecki (Poznań)
      • Relaxing massage (Poznań)
  • HR Data Agent

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Are you ready to join our recruitment team and to:
      • become a part of task force team for creating perfect application documents for our candidates
      • meet deadlines of critical missions for our defense sector clients
      • pay attention to details and polish your analytical abilities


      We need you to:
      • speak English as your native language or speak it as if it were
      • be a master in preparing sensitive application documents (CVs, Compliance Matrixes, Excel spreadsheets) in requested formats based on candidates’ original CVs
      • be able to think analytically so that you can cross-check candidates’ CVs against the requirements and duties from a specific job description to verify their expertise is properly showcased
      • have a sniper accuracy to research the details of each job description in order to identify key words
      • contact candidates from all over Europe in order to gather information required in their application documents
      • keep the candidate’s experience at the top level throughout the process
      • assure full compliance with both internal and clients’ standards, such as format and stylesheet, as well as proofread documents to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, accuracy of proper names of IT tools, methodologies, and institutions
      • be self-driven so that you can conduct a project until completion on your own
      • have the ability to complete high-volume tasks with efficiency and pace
      • have the curiosity of new domains like IT, Cyber Security or military
      • cooperate with HR Team members


      We offer:
      • full time employment with a good basic salary and attractive bonus system
      • opportunity to work with the top world institutions (NATO/EU)
      • extensive training on the job with a dedicated mentor
      • psychological support offered by an external specialist
      • Luxmed health care
      • Training fund
      • Multisport pass
      • Possibility to join a group life insurance
      • Boxing lessons with a professional coach Krzysztof Chudecki (Poznań)
      • Relaxing massage (Poznań)
  • HR Data Agent

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Opole
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Are you ready to join our recruitment team and to:
      • become a part of task force team for creating perfect application documents for our candidates
      • meet deadlines of critical missions for our defense sector clients
      • pay attention to details and polish your analytical abilities


      We need you to:
      • speak English as your native language or speak it as if it were
      • be a master in preparing sensitive application documents (CVs, Compliance Matrixes, Excel spreadsheets) in requested formats based on candidates’ original CVs
      • be able to think analytically so that you can cross-check candidates’ CVs against the requirements and duties from a specific job description to verify their expertise is properly showcased
      • have a sniper accuracy to research the details of each job description in order to identify key words
      • contact candidates from all over Europe in order to gather information required in their application documents
      • keep the candidate’s experience at the top level throughout the process
      • assure full compliance with both internal and clients’ standards, such as format and stylesheet, as well as proofread documents to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, accuracy of proper names of IT tools, methodologies, and institutions
      • be self-driven so that you can conduct a project until completion on your own
      • have the ability to complete high-volume tasks with efficiency and pace
      • have the curiosity of new domains like IT, Cyber Security or military
      • cooperate with HR Team members


      We offer:
      • full time employment with a good basic salary and attractive bonus system
      • opportunity to work with the top world institutions (NATO/EU)
      • extensive training on the job with a dedicated mentor
      • psychological support offered by an external specialist
      • Luxmed health care
      • Training fund
      • Multisport pass
      • Possibility to join a group life insurance
      • Boxing lessons with a professional coach Krzysztof Chudecki (Poznań)
      • Relaxing massage (Poznań)
  • HR Data Agent

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Szczecin
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Are you ready to join our recruitment team and to:
      • become a part of task force team for creating perfect application documents for our candidates
      • meet deadlines of critical missions for our defense sector clients
      • pay attention to details and polish your analytical abilities


      We need you to:
      • speak English as your native language or speak it as if it were
      • be a master in preparing sensitive application documents (CVs, Compliance Matrixes, Excel spreadsheets) in requested formats based on candidates’ original CVs
      • be able to think analytically so that you can cross-check candidates’ CVs against the requirements and duties from a specific job description to verify their expertise is properly showcased
      • have a sniper accuracy to research the details of each job description in order to identify key words
      • contact candidates from all over Europe in order to gather information required in their application documents
      • keep the candidate’s experience at the top level throughout the process
      • assure full compliance with both internal and clients’ standards, such as format and stylesheet, as well as proofread documents to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, accuracy of proper names of IT tools, methodologies, and institutions
      • be self-driven so that you can conduct a project until completion on your own
      • have the ability to complete high-volume tasks with efficiency and pace
      • have the curiosity of new domains like IT, Cyber Security or military
      • cooperate with HR Team members


      We offer:
      • full time employment with a good basic salary and attractive bonus system
      • opportunity to work with the top world institutions (NATO/EU)
      • extensive training on the job with a dedicated mentor
      • psychological support offered by an external specialist
      • Luxmed health care
      • Training fund
      • Multisport pass
      • Possibility to join a group life insurance
      • Boxing lessons with a professional coach Krzysztof Chudecki (Poznań)
      • Relaxing massage (Poznań)
  • HR Data Agent

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Are you ready to join our recruitment team and to:
      • become a part of task force team for creating perfect application documents for our candidates
      • meet deadlines of critical missions for our defense sector clients
      • pay attention to details and polish your analytical abilities


      We need you to:
      • speak English as your native language or speak it as if it were
      • be a master in preparing sensitive application documents (CVs, Compliance Matrixes, Excel spreadsheets) in requested formats based on candidates’ original CVs
      • be able to think analytically so that you can cross-check candidates’ CVs against the requirements and duties from a specific job description to verify their expertise is properly showcased
      • have a sniper accuracy to research the details of each job description in order to identify key words
      • contact candidates from all over Europe in order to gather information required in their application documents
      • keep the candidate’s experience at the top level throughout the process
      • assure full compliance with both internal and clients’ standards, such as format and stylesheet, as well as proofread documents to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, accuracy of proper names of IT tools, methodologies, and institutions
      • be self-driven so that you can conduct a project until completion on your own
      • have the ability to complete high-volume tasks with efficiency and pace
      • have the curiosity of new domains like IT, Cyber Security or military
      • cooperate with HR Team members


      We offer:
      • full time employment with a good basic salary and attractive bonus system
      • opportunity to work with the top world institutions (NATO/EU)
      • extensive training on the job with a dedicated mentor
      • psychological support offered by an external specialist
      • Luxmed health care
      • Training fund
      • Multisport pass
      • Possibility to join a group life insurance
      • Boxing lessons with a professional coach Krzysztof Chudecki (Poznań)
      • Relaxing massage (Poznań)
  • HR Data Agent

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Rzeszów
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Are you ready to join our recruitment team and to:
      • become a part of task force team for creating perfect application documents for our candidates
      • meet deadlines of critical missions for our defense sector clients
      • pay attention to details and polish your analytical abilities


      We need you to:
      • speak English as your native language or speak it as if it were
      • be a master in preparing sensitive application documents (CVs, Compliance Matrixes, Excel spreadsheets) in requested formats based on candidates’ original CVs
      • be able to think analytically so that you can cross-check candidates’ CVs against the requirements and duties from a specific job description to verify their expertise is properly showcased
      • have a sniper accuracy to research the details of each job description in order to identify key words
      • contact candidates from all over Europe in order to gather information required in their application documents
      • keep the candidate’s experience at the top level throughout the process
      • assure full compliance with both internal and clients’ standards, such as format and stylesheet, as well as proofread documents to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, accuracy of proper names of IT tools, methodologies, and institutions
      • be self-driven so that you can conduct a project until completion on your own
      • have the ability to complete high-volume tasks with efficiency and pace
      • have the curiosity of new domains like IT, Cyber Security or military
      • cooperate with HR Team members


      We offer:
      • full time employment with a good basic salary and attractive bonus system
      • opportunity to work with the top world institutions (NATO/EU)
      • extensive training on the job with a dedicated mentor
      • psychological support offered by an external specialist
      • Luxmed health care
      • Training fund
      • Multisport pass
      • Possibility to join a group life insurance
      • Boxing lessons with a professional coach Krzysztof Chudecki (Poznań)
      • Relaxing massage (Poznań)
  • HR Data Agent

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Poznań
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Are you ready to join our recruitment team and to:
      • become a part of task force team for creating perfect application documents for our candidates
      • meet deadlines of critical missions for our defense sector clients
      • pay attention to details and polish your analytical abilities


      We need you to:
      • speak English as your native language or speak it as if it were
      • be a master in preparing sensitive application documents (CVs, Compliance Matrixes, Excel spreadsheets) in requested formats based on candidates’ original CVs
      • be able to think analytically so that you can cross-check candidates’ CVs against the requirements and duties from a specific job description to verify their expertise is properly showcased
      • have a sniper accuracy to research the details of each job description in order to identify key words
      • contact candidates from all over Europe in order to gather information required in their application documents
      • keep the candidate’s experience at the top level throughout the process
      • assure full compliance with both internal and clients’ standards, such as format and stylesheet, as well as proofread documents to ensure proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, accuracy of proper names of IT tools, methodologies, and institutions
      • be self-driven so that you can conduct a project until completion on your own
      • have the ability to complete high-volume tasks with efficiency and pace
      • have the curiosity of new domains like IT, Cyber Security or military
      • cooperate with HR Team members


      We offer:
      • full time employment with a good basic salary and attractive bonus system
      • opportunity to work with the top world institutions (NATO/EU)
      • extensive training on the job with a dedicated mentor
      • psychological support offered by an external specialist
      • Luxmed health care
      • Training fund
      • Multisport pass
      • Possibility to join a group life insurance
      • Boxing lessons with a professional coach Krzysztof Chudecki (Poznań)
      • Relaxing massage (Poznań)
  • Recruitment Specialist

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Poznań
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      The opportunity:By joining Vector Synergy as a Recruitment Specialist you will have a chance to work in a team of professional recruiters and conduct processes for NATO and EU institutions. You will operate within truly international environment with wide range of highly qualified, security cleared specialists.This role will be perfect for you if:You are a self-driven and goal oriented recruitment specialist with experience in leading recruitment processes in a fast-paced environment, preferably for contract positions.
      Your recruitment career next step is to work in a company where you could master your self-confidence in approaching candidates, developing negotiations and interviewing techniques skills. With us you will rise to the next level!Key responsibilities:
      • Leading end to end recruitment processes for technical positions, including negotiating the salaries and other conditions with the candidates;
      • Attracting top talents across the Europe, using numerous sourcing channels and methodologies;
      • Meeting our clients tight deadlines (2 - 5 days);
      • Maintaining and updating the data in our ATS system;
      • Meeting the monthly and yearly KPI’s by completing the recruitment processes according to the tight deadlines and top standards;
      • Taking care of best practices in recruitment and keeping the candidate experience at the top level;
      • Suggesting recruitment process improvements.
      Skills and attributes for success:
      • At least 1,5 years of professional experience in the recruitment area;
      • Strong English communication skills both verbal and written;
      • Experience in working with tight deadlines and KPI’s;
      • Flexibility and ability to prioritize in order to achieve goals;
      • Ability to complete high volume tasks with efficiency and pace;
      • Strong negotiation skills;
      • Ability to travel across Europe (approximately 20% of the time) will be an asset;
      • Knowledge and experience in recruiting for the IT branch will be an asset.
      What do we offer:
      • Full time employment contract with a good salary base and attractive bonus system;
      • Extensive training on the job with dedicated mentor;
      • You can work fully remote or form our Poznan office.
      Vector Synergy offers services of experts for the needs of execution of international projects. We employ specialists at each level, who hold the highest qualifications and meet the requirements of the most demanding clients in Europe and over the world. Each consultant of Vector Synergy has high expertise, long experience, security clearance, English command and all are ready to start work on a new project within a month.Check usout at or
  • Recruitment Specialist

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Opole
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      The opportunity:By joining Vector Synergy as a Recruitment Specialist you will have a chance to work in a team of professional recruiters and conduct processes for NATO and EU institutions. You will operate within truly international environment with wide range of highly qualified, security cleared specialists.This role will be perfect for you if:You are a self-driven and goal oriented recruitment specialist with experience in leading recruitment processes in a fast-paced environment, preferably for contract positions.
      Your recruitment career next step is to work in a company where you could master your self-confidence in approaching candidates, developing negotiations and interviewing techniques skills. With us you will rise to the next level!Key responsibilities:
      • Leading end to end recruitment processes for technical positions, including negotiating the salaries and other conditions with the candidates;
      • Attracting top talents across the Europe, using numerous sourcing channels and methodologies;
      • Meeting our clients tight deadlines (2 - 5 days);
      • Maintaining and updating the data in our ATS system;
      • Meeting the monthly and yearly KPI’s by completing the recruitment processes according to the tight deadlines and top standards;
      • Taking care of best practices in recruitment and keeping the candidate experience at the top level;
      • Suggesting recruitment process improvements.
      Skills and attributes for success:
      • At least 1,5 years of professional experience in the recruitment area;
      • Strong English communication skills both verbal and written;
      • Experience in working with tight deadlines and KPI’s;
      • Flexibility and ability to prioritize in order to achieve goals;
      • Ability to complete high volume tasks with efficiency and pace;
      • Strong negotiation skills;
      • Ability to travel across Europe (approximately 20% of the time) will be an asset;
      • Knowledge and experience in recruiting for the IT branch will be an asset.
      What do we offer:
      • Full time employment contract with a good salary base and attractive bonus system;
      • Extensive training on the job with dedicated mentor;
      • You can work fully remote or form our Poznan office.
      Vector Synergy offers services of experts for the needs of execution of international projects. We employ specialists at each level, who hold the highest qualifications and meet the requirements of the most demanding clients in Europe and over the world. Each consultant of Vector Synergy has high expertise, long experience, security clearance, English command and all are ready to start work on a new project within a month.Check usout at or
  • Recruitment Specialist

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Wrocław
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      The opportunity:By joining Vector Synergy as a Recruitment Specialist you will have a chance to work in a team of professional recruiters and conduct processes for NATO and EU institutions. You will operate within truly international environment with wide range of highly qualified, security cleared specialists.This role will be perfect for you if:You are a self-driven and goal oriented recruitment specialist with experience in leading recruitment processes in a fast-paced environment, preferably for contract positions.
      Your recruitment career next step is to work in a company where you could master your self-confidence in approaching candidates, developing negotiations and interviewing techniques skills. With us you will rise to the next level!Key responsibilities:
      • Leading end to end recruitment processes for technical positions, including negotiating the salaries and other conditions with the candidates;
      • Attracting top talents across the Europe, using numerous sourcing channels and methodologies;
      • Meeting our clients tight deadlines (2 - 5 days);
      • Maintaining and updating the data in our ATS system;
      • Meeting the monthly and yearly KPI’s by completing the recruitment processes according to the tight deadlines and top standards;
      • Taking care of best practices in recruitment and keeping the candidate experience at the top level;
      • Suggesting recruitment process improvements.
      Skills and attributes for success:
      • At least 1,5 years of professional experience in the recruitment area;
      • Strong English communication skills both verbal and written;
      • Experience in working with tight deadlines and KPI’s;
      • Flexibility and ability to prioritize in order to achieve goals;
      • Ability to complete high volume tasks with efficiency and pace;
      • Strong negotiation skills;
      • Ability to travel across Europe (approximately 20% of the time) will be an asset;
      • Knowledge and experience in recruiting for the IT branch will be an asset.
      What do we offer:
      • Full time employment contract with a good salary base and attractive bonus system;
      • Extensive training on the job with dedicated mentor;
      • You can work fully remote or form our Poznan office.
      Vector Synergy offers services of experts for the needs of execution of international projects. We employ specialists at each level, who hold the highest qualifications and meet the requirements of the most demanding clients in Europe and over the world. Each consultant of Vector Synergy has high expertise, long experience, security clearance, English command and all are ready to start work on a new project within a month.Check usout at or
  • Recruitment Specialist

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      The opportunity:By joining Vector Synergy as a Recruitment Specialist you will have a chance to work in a team of professional recruiters and conduct processes for NATO and EU institutions. You will operate within truly international environment with wide range of highly qualified, security cleared specialists.This role will be perfect for you if:You are a self-driven and goal oriented recruitment specialist with experience in leading recruitment processes in a fast-paced environment, preferably for contract positions.
      Your recruitment career next step is to work in a company where you could master your self-confidence in approaching candidates, developing negotiations and interviewing techniques skills. With us you will rise to the next level!Key responsibilities:
      • Leading end to end recruitment processes for technical positions, including negotiating the salaries and other conditions with the candidates;
      • Attracting top talents across the Europe, using numerous sourcing channels and methodologies;
      • Meeting our clients tight deadlines (2 - 5 days);
      • Maintaining and updating the data in our ATS system;
      • Meeting the monthly and yearly KPI’s by completing the recruitment processes according to the tight deadlines and top standards;
      • Taking care of best practices in recruitment and keeping the candidate experience at the top level;
      • Suggesting recruitment process improvements.
      Skills and attributes for success:
      • At least 1,5 years of professional experience in the recruitment area;
      • Strong English communication skills both verbal and written;
      • Experience in working with tight deadlines and KPI’s;
      • Flexibility and ability to prioritize in order to achieve goals;
      • Ability to complete high volume tasks with efficiency and pace;
      • Strong negotiation skills;
      • Ability to travel across Europe (approximately 20% of the time) will be an asset;
      • Knowledge and experience in recruiting for the IT branch will be an asset.
      What do we offer:
      • Full time employment contract with a good salary base and attractive bonus system;
      • Extensive training on the job with dedicated mentor;
      • You can work fully remote or form our Poznan office.
      Vector Synergy offers services of experts for the needs of execution of international projects. We employ specialists at each level, who hold the highest qualifications and meet the requirements of the most demanding clients in Europe and over the world. Each consultant of Vector Synergy has high expertise, long experience, security clearance, English command and all are ready to start work on a new project within a month.Check usout at or
  • Recruitment Specialist

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Białystok
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      The opportunity:By joining Vector Synergy as a Recruitment Specialist you will have a chance to work in a team of professional recruiters and conduct processes for NATO and EU institutions. You will operate within truly international environment with wide range of highly qualified, security cleared specialists.This role will be perfect for you if:You are a self-driven and goal oriented recruitment specialist with experience in leading recruitment processes in a fast-paced environment, preferably for contract positions.
      Your recruitment career next step is to work in a company where you could master your self-confidence in approaching candidates, developing negotiations and interviewing techniques skills. With us you will rise to the next level!Key responsibilities:
      • Leading end to end recruitment processes for technical positions, including negotiating the salaries and other conditions with the candidates;
      • Attracting top talents across the Europe, using numerous sourcing channels and methodologies;
      • Meeting our clients tight deadlines (2 - 5 days);
      • Maintaining and updating the data in our ATS system;
      • Meeting the monthly and yearly KPI’s by completing the recruitment processes according to the tight deadlines and top standards;
      • Taking care of best practices in recruitment and keeping the candidate experience at the top level;
      • Suggesting recruitment process improvements.
      Skills and attributes for success:
      • At least 1,5 years of professional experience in the recruitment area;
      • Strong English communication skills both verbal and written;
      • Experience in working with tight deadlines and KPI’s;
      • Flexibility and ability to prioritize in order to achieve goals;
      • Ability to complete high volume tasks with efficiency and pace;
      • Strong negotiation skills;
      • Ability to travel across Europe (approximately 20% of the time) will be an asset;
      • Knowledge and experience in recruiting for the IT branch will be an asset.
      What do we offer:
      • Full time employment contract with a good salary base and attractive bonus system;
      • Extensive training on the job with dedicated mentor;
      • You can work fully remote or form our Poznan office.
      Vector Synergy offers services of experts for the needs of execution of international projects. We employ specialists at each level, who hold the highest qualifications and meet the requirements of the most demanding clients in Europe and over the world. Each consultant of Vector Synergy has high expertise, long experience, security clearance, English command and all are ready to start work on a new project within a month.Check usout at or
  • Recruitment Specialist

    Vector Synergy Sp. z o.o.
    • Rzeszów
    • umowa o pracę
    • Wymagania

      The opportunity:By joining Vector Synergy as a Recruitment Specialist you will have a chance to work in a team of professional recruiters and conduct processes for NATO and EU institutions. You will operate within truly international environment with wide range of highly qualified, security cleared specialists.This role will be perfect for you if:You are a self-driven and goal oriented recruitment specialist with experience in leading recruitment processes in a fast-paced environment, preferably for contract positions.
      Your recruitment career next step is to work in a company where you could master your self-confidence in approaching candidates, developing negotiations and interviewing techniques skills. With us you will rise to the next level!Key responsibilities:
      • Leading end to end recruitment processes for technical positions, including negotiating the salaries and other conditions with the candidates;
      • Attracting top talents across the Europe, using numerous sourcing channels and methodologies;
      • Meeting our clients tight deadlines (2 - 5 days);
      • Maintaining and updating the data in our ATS system;
      • Meeting the monthly and yearly KPI’s by completing the recruitment processes according to the tight deadlines and top standards;
      • Taking care of best practices in recruitment and keeping the candidate experience at the top level;
      • Suggesting recruitment process improvements.
      Skills and attributes for success:
      • At least 1,5 years of professional experience in the recruitment area;
      • Strong English communication skills both verbal and written;
      • Experience in working with tight deadlines and KPI’s;
      • Flexibility and ability to prioritize in order to achieve goals;
      • Ability to complete high volume tasks with efficiency and pace;
      • Strong negotiation skills;
      • Ability to travel across Europe (approximately 20% of the time) will be an asset;
      • Knowledge and experience in recruiting for the IT branch will be an asset.
      What do we offer:
      • Full time employment contract with a good salary base and attractive bonus system;
      • Extensive training on the job with dedicated mentor;
      • You can work fully remote or form our Poznan office.
      Vector Synergy offers services of experts for the needs of execution of international projects. We employ specialists at each level, who hold the highest qualifications and meet the requirements of the most demanding clients in Europe and over the world. Each consultant of Vector Synergy has high expertise, long experience, security clearance, English command and all are ready to start work on a new project within a month.Check usout at or

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