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Cordia Management Poland sp. z o.o. praca
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Oferty pracy Cordia Management Poland Sp. z o.o.
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Podane powyżej benefity nie są oficjalnym elementem oferty pracy. Zostały wyselekcjonowane na podstawie historycznych ogłoszeń za pomocą algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji.
Data aktualizacji: 26.09.2024
Mapa Cordia Management Poland Sp. z o.o.
Siedziba główna
Dane firmy z social mediów (LinkedIn)
The CEE region's leading residential real estate developer
Cordia is a leading Hungarian residential real estate developer in Central and Eastern Europe and part of the international Futureal Group. The developer has been present on three markets in Central and Eastern Europe: Hungary, Poland and Romania for over 15 years. So far, the company has built 230,000 sqm of residential real estate, while another 685,000 sqm is under construction. Cordia has 10 ongoing projects, 8 constructions and 2000+ apartments being built in Hungary at the moment. In Poland, the company has been intensively developing its activities since 2015. Currently, it has ongoing investments in Kraków and Warsaw covering a total of over 500 apartments. Cordia mission is to create homes with a heart and soul. The company aims to provide safe, liveable, modern apartments with unique architectural solutions. The developer has already received several professional awards for its development projects, including its flagship urban renewal project, Corvin Promenade that has won the International Property Awards Best Mixed Use Development Europe award, as well as the property development award of the Hungarian Chapter of FIABCI. In 2014, the development was the first Hungarian project to be honored by the Urban Land Institute Global Awards for Excellence, considered the “Oscars” of the city and real estate development industry. Futureal is a leading real estate developer and investor in CEE and one of the top 20 largest developers in Europe. Over the last years the Futureal Group has developed over 800,000 sqm of real estate projects with a total value of EUR 1.25 billion and is currently developing 49 new projects over 1,000,000 sqm with EUR 1.45 billion asset value.
- Miasto
- Budapest
- Siedziba główna
- Budapest, Budapest
- Branża
- Nieruchomości
- Specjalizacje
- Real estate, Real estate developer, Residential development i Residential buildings
Rok założenia
Liczba pracowników
Liczba obserwujących
Cordia Management Poland Sp. z o.o. poszukuje najczęściej pracowników na stanowiska
Statystyki odwiedzin opublikowanych ogłoszeń i profilu pracodawcy
Odwiedziny w ostatnich 10 miesiącach
Profil firmy:
Cordia Management Poland Sp. z o.o.
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:
- Warszawa
- Pruszków
Data aktualizacji: 01.03.2025