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XTrack praca
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Oferty pracy XTrack
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Spotkania integracyjne
Podane powyżej benefity nie są oficjalnym elementem oferty pracy. Zostały wyselekcjonowane na podstawie historycznych ogłoszeń za pomocą algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji.
Data aktualizacji: 01.10.2024
Mapa XTrack
Siedziba główna
Dane firmy z social mediów (LinkedIn)
XTrack is a comprehensive platform for supporting effective management of not only the fleet of vehicles and machines, but also of orders, fuel and resources in the field. Today XTrack system enables, among others, to monitor vehicles on a digital map, registering operating parameters of machines and equipment mounted on them, planning and optimizing routes, identifying and managing various objects, controlling fuel economy, electronic communication between the dispatcher and the drivers, reporting and analyzing all data stored in the system. Due to a flexible design XTrack system can be tailored to the specific needs of each industry, and modular design allows to use only selected functionalities without the necessity to implement all the solutions. The undoubted advantages of XTrack system made it popular in industries such as water and sewage, construction, distribution, trade, agriculture, forestry and transport. XTrack system has more than 1400 customers located in 15 countries on 4 continents. The continuous development of technology and the growing needs of our customers inspire us to extend our offer. That is why more than 60 people are constantly working on innovation and the highest quality of the delivered products and solutions. Our experience and targeting on customer satisfaction often enabled us to set new directions of development of the market. XTrack is also an extensive network of dealers and service engineers who provide comprehensive services to our customers. A team of experienced professionals, many years of experience, our own hardware design department, continuous technological development and cooperation with world-renowned partners guarantee the highest level of our products and solutions. We are trusted partners for ZOELLER TECH, Kingspan Environmental, Contena-Ochsner, CARGOTEC, RG Techno, HIAB, Judesio Technika and others, which proves the advantages of XTrack system.
- Siedziba główna
- Gdańsk
- Branża
- Usługi i doradztwo informatyczne
- Specjalizacje
- GPS vehicle tracking, planning and optimizing routes, identifying and managing various objects, controlling fuel economy, electronic communication between the dispatcher and the drivers, IoT i Software
Rok założenia
Liczba pracowników
Liczba obserwujących
XTrack poszukuje najczęściej pracowników na stanowiska
Statystyki odwiedzin opublikowanych ogłoszeń i profilu pracodawcy
Odwiedziny w ostatnich 8 miesiącach
Profil firmy:
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:
- Bielsko-Biała
- Gdańsk
Data aktualizacji: 01.03.2025