Jestem właścicielem tej firmy, chcę zarządzać swoimi danymi
Edycja danych i prowadzenie profilu jest darmowe.
Podaj swoje dane, opiekun skontaktuje się z Tobą.
Czy to Twoja firma?
Czy to Twoja firma?
W samym sercu dynamicznie rozwijającej się Warszawy znajduje się siedziba CBRE Corporate Outsourcing, firmy, która od lat wyznacza standardy w branży zarządzania nieruchomościami komercyjnymi. Jako lider na rynku, nasza działalność opiera się na głębokim zrozumieniu potrzeb naszych klientów, które realizujemy poprzez kompleksowe usługi doradcze. Od inwestycji, przez planowanie i projektowanie, aż po budowę, najem i użytkowanie nieruchomości – nasze rozwiązania są zawsze dostosowane do indywidualnych wymagań i aspiracji tych, którzy nam zaufali. Z dumą możemy powiedzieć, że nasz zespół to ponad 100 000 profesjonalistów, którzy każdego dnia wkładają swoją wiedzę, pasję i zaangażowanie w rozwój potencjału naszych klientów, ekspertów i partnerów. To właśnie ludzie są fundamentem naszej firmy, a kultura organizacyjna, którą tworzymy, opiera się na wartościach RISE: szacunek, uczciwość, zaangażowanie i perfekcjonizm. Te cztery filary są dla nas nie tylko słowami – to one kształtują nasze codzienne działania i decyzje. Nasza międzynarodowa obecność jest równie imponująca, z klientami w ponad 100 krajach, w tym ponad 90% z listy Fortune 100. To świadczy o globalnym zasięgu i zaufaniu, jakim obdarzają nas największe światowe korporacje. W każdym zakątku świata, gdzie działamy, stawiamy na innowacje i najwyższą jakość, wykorzystując zaawansowaną technologię i precyzyjne dane, aby dostarczać usługi, które nie tylko spełniają, ale i przekraczają oczekiwania naszych klientów. W CBRE CORPORATE OUTSOURCING rozumiemy, że świat nieruchomości jest złożony i dynamiczny. Dlatego oferujemy doradztwo strategiczne i zarządzanie portfelem nieruchomości, które pomagają naszym klientom podejmować świadome i przemyślane decyzje. Nasza stabilność finansowa i solidne fundamenty pozwalają nam patrzeć w przyszłość z optymizmem i pewnością, że będziemy kontynuować naszą misję rozwijania potencjału w każdym aspekcie naszej działalności. Zapraszamy do współpracy i dołączenia do grona tych, którzy już teraz budują z nami przyszłość branży nieruchomości komercyjnych. Razem możemy więcej.
Specjalista ds. administracji Warszawa Inżynier Warszawa Ekonomista Warszawa Informatyk Warszawa Agent nieruchomości Warszawa
administracja biurowa / praca biurowa inżynieria / technologia / technika księgowość / ekonomia it (informatyka) nieruchomości
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Specjalista ds. finansowo-księgowych
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Aplikuj szybkoDodana -
Księgowy księgi głównej (General Ledger)
Grafton Sp. Z o.o. Profil pracodawcy- Warszawa
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Dodana -
Accounts Payable Accountant with French
Grafton Sp. Z o.o. Profil pracodawcy- Warszawa
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Program poleceń pracowników
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Szkolenia dofinansowane
Szkolenia, kursy, konferencje
Podane powyżej benefity nie są oficjalnym elementem oferty pracy. Zostały wyselekcjonowane na podstawie historycznych ogłoszeń za pomocą algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji.
Data aktualizacji: 26.09.2024
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CBRE Business Services Organisation spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
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poniedziałek | 08:30 - 17:30 |
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Operating across every dimension of commercial real estate, CBRE sees more so you can do more.
CBRE to największa na świecie firma doradcza i inwestycyjna z siedzibą w Dallas, działająca w sektorze nieruchomości komercyjnych z przychodami wynoszącymi 23,9 mld dolarów w 2020 roku, zatrudniająca ponad 100 000 pracowników obsługujących klientów w ponad 100 krajach. CBRE znajduje się na liście Fortune 500 oraz jest notowana na giełdzie z indexem „S&P 500”. CBRE obsługuje różnorodną grupę klientów ze zintegrowanym pakietem usług, który obejmuje: doradztwo strategiczne w zakresie inwestycji i wynajmu, usługi korporacyjne, usługi zarządzania nieruchomościami oraz projektami, administrację firm, bankowość hipoteczną, wyceny, usługi deweloperskie, usługi zarządzania inwestycjami oraz usługi konsultingowe i analityczne. Zapraszamy do odwiedzenia naszej strony internetowej!
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- Warszawa, Mazowieckie
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- Nieruchomości
- Specjalizacje
- Nieruchomości komercyjne, Doradztwo i Inwestycje
Rok założenia
Liczba pracowników
10 001+
Liczba obserwujących
CBRE CORPORATE OUTSOURCING Sp. z o. o. poszukuje najczęściej pracowników na stanowiska
Praca CBRE CORPORATE OUTSOURCING Sp. z o. o. - oferty archiwalne
Account Payable Specialist w German
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
Your main tasks would be:
As a key Accounts Payable Team member you"ll be responsible for Accounts Payable activities and reporting for one of our Clients. If you join our team you will be able to gain accounting experience and start your career in one of the biggest Real Estate Portfolio Management companies.
Your key duties will include:
Verification and posting of invoices.
Payments preparation.
Reconciliation of client"s bank accounts.
Reconciliation of service charge budgets and suppliers" accounts
Preparation and validation of regular and ad-hoc financial reports.
Maintaining contact and proper communication with Client team and various vendors to provide solutions for accounting queries.
Ensuring compliance to internal and external audit requirements.
Performing analysis of aged items, debit balance, credit notes, rejected invoices and follow-up with Business Team and Suppliers for resolution.
Maintaining smooth daily cooperation with Business Team members based in Poland and EMEA.
Providing solutions, improvements, best practices, seeking optimization of the processes
Other duties assigned by supervisor and line manager.
At least 2 years of professional experience (at least 1 year in finance)
Relevant University degree in Economics, Accounting, Finance will be an advantage
Fluency in both spoken and written English: min. B2
Strong verbal and written communication skills
Understanding of Accounts Payables processes
Very good knowledge of MS Office (Excel). VBA knowledge will be an advantage
Strong analytical, organisational and interpersonal skills
Attention to details and quality
Pro-active approach, willingness to learn and share knowledge with others.
Capability to adapt to everchanging and demanding environment
What you gain by joining us:
Stable employment conditions
work based on employment contract in the international company with stable position on the labour market
Career advancement program
A chance to learn from the Best by attending internal courses and taking part in international programs that will enable you to travel as well as experience how we work in different places in the world
Workplace Culture
Support from our side in terms of working from home as well as comfortable office with chillout room, entertainment room, creative labs and beautiful terrace are making our office a place you want to be. We are well located nearby Wilanowska metro station.
Wellbeing actions
Environment where we care about your wellbeing by health and leisure initiatives (yoga, online classes, sport interest groups)
Making a Change in the Word surrounding you
Occasion to make an impact by taking part in our initiatives (CSR, ECO friendly approach)
Attractive package of benefits
Private medical healthcare, life insurance, multisport card and MORE
International Environment
Experience growing in multilingual community where diversity is cherished
Support in difficult times responding to crisis situations
Psychological advisory, online sport activities (yoga, move, back to fit form classes), online trainings, technological support on your equipment and software when working from home
Accounts Payable Clerk (French)
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
Your main tasks would be:
Payments preparation
Verification and posting of invoices
Preparation of reports
Cooperation with external clients (including query resolution and account reconciliations)
Cooperation with other departments based in Poland and UK
Adherence to internal and external audit requirements
Perfect candidate profile:
You must be Fluent in spoken and written English
You have to put strong attention to details and have very good organizational skills
You have to be reliable and committed
Your professional experience will be an advantage
Your University degree in Economics, Accounting or Finance will be an advantage
You should have good knowledge of MS Office tools (Excel, Word)
You should have capability to adapt to quickly changing and demanding environment
You should be interested in Commercial Real Estate
What you gain by joining us:
Stable employment conditions
work based on employment contract in the international company with stable position on the labour market
Career advancement program
A chance to learn from the Best by attending internal courses and taking part in international programs that will enable you to travel as well as experience how we work in different places in the world
Workplace Culture
Support from our side in terms of working from home as well as comfortable office with chillout room, entertainment room, creative labs and beautiful terrace are making our office a place you want to be. We are well located nearby Wilanowska metro station.
Wellbeing actions
Environment where we care about your wellbeing by health and leisure initiatives (yoga, online classes, sport interest groups)
Making a Change in the Word surrounding you
Occasion to make an impact by taking part in our initiatives (CSR, ECO friendly approach)
Attractive package of benefits
Private medical healthcare, life insurance, multisport card and MORE
International Environment
Experience growing in multilingual community where diversity is cherished
Support in difficult times responding to crisis situations
Psychological advisory, online sport activities (yoga, move, back to fit form classes), online trainings, technological support on your equipment and software when working from home
AP Accountant
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
Your main tasks would be:
Coding and processing invoices in accounting system (MyBuy, People Soft)
Processing of employee expenses
Participating in vendor setup process
Preparing of payments (invoices, employee expenses, payrolls, taxes)
Preparing of reports, statistics, etc.
Performing AP and Expense month-end close
Documenting processes and procedures; preparation of internal accounting / reporting procedures, manuals, instructions
Supporting team in other accounting activities
Processing variety ad-hoc queries
Perfect candidate profile:
1-2 years" experience in Finance/Accounting (AP) or Finance and Accounting degree
Fluency in English (written and spoken) is a must
Experience in using accounting systems, processes and controls. Knowledge of PeopleSoft would be an advantage
Good MS Excel skills
Detail-orientated, accurate, able to work as part of a team
Highly organized and structured to ensure activities are prioritized to meet critical deadlines
Proactive approach and active search for solutions and improvement possibilities
What you gain by joining us:
Stable employment conditions
work based on employment contract in the international company with stable position on the labour market
Career advancement program
A chance to learn from the Best by attending internal courses and taking part in international programs that will enable you to travel as well as experience how we work in different places in the world
Workplace Culture
Support from our side in terms of working from home as well as comfortable office with chillout room, entertainment room, creative labs and beautiful terrace are making our office a place you want to be. We are well located nearby Wilanowska metro station.
Wellbeing actions
Environment where we care about your wellbeing by health and leisure initiatives (yoga, online classes, sport interest groups)
Making a Change in the Word surrounding you
Occasion to make an impact by taking part in our initiatives (CSR, ECO friendly approach)
Attractive package of benefits
Private medical healthcare, life insurance, multisport card and MORE
International Environment
Experience growing in multilingual community where diversity is cherished
Support in difficult times responding to crisis situations
Psychological advisory, online sport activities (yoga, move, back to fit form classes), online trainings, technological support on your equipment and software when working from home
SOX Administrator
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
Your main tasks would be:
Job Summary:
Key responsibility of the VMF SOX Administrator will be a daily control of Vendor data creation/modification, validation of correctness of supporting documentation and performing analysis of data in order to ensure high quality of vendor master files.Key Responsibilities:
Ensure that all performed changes are supported with required supporting documentation and
comply with company"s requirements and procedures.-
Ensure high quality of master data.
Provide SOX controls in a timely and accurate manner.
Vendor data controls (running regular and ad-hoc reports)
Seek and implement process updates/improvements to prevent future data quality issues.
Ensuring that all detected errors and inconsistencies are immediately corrected
Flagging risks to line manager.
Perfect candidate profile:
• Conscientiousness, focus on details.
• At least basic knowledge of Account Payable processes.
• Good written and verbal communication skills.
• Ability to work under time pressure. Pro-active approach and can-do work attitude.
• Self-motivated and reliable team player with ability to drive, analyze and implement process
• Fluent English in speaking and writing is a must.
• Experience in VMD or AP/P2P.
• Very good MS Excel knowledge is a must (lookups, pivot tables).Oferujemy
What you gain by joining us:
Stable employment conditions
work based on employment contract in the international company with stable position on the labour market
Career advancement program
A chance to learn from the Best by attending internal courses and taking part in international programs that will enable you to travel as well as experience how we work in different places in the world
Workplace Culture
Support from our side in terms of working from home as well as comfortable office with chillout room, entertainment room, creative labs and beautiful terrace are making our office a place you want to be. We are well located nearby Wilanowska metro station.
Wellbeing actions
Environment where we care about your wellbeing by health and leisure initiatives (yoga, online classes, sport interest groups)
Making a Change in the Word surrounding you
Occasion to make an impact by taking part in our initiatives (CSR, ECO friendly approach)
Attractive package of benefits
Private medical healthcare, life insurance, multisport card and MORE
International Environment
Experience growing in multilingual community where diversity is cherished
Support in difficult times responding to crisis situations
Psychological advisory, online sport activities (yoga, move, back to fit form classes), online trainings, technological support on your equipment and software when working from home
Account Payable Specialist
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
Your main tasks would be:
As a key Accounts Payable Team member you"ll be responsible for Accounts Payable activities and reporting for one of our Clients. If you join our team you will be able to gain accounting experience and start your career in one of the biggest Real Estate Portfolio Management companies.
Your key duties will include:
Verification and posting of invoices.
Payments preparation.
Reconciliation of client"s bank accounts.
Reconciliation of service charge budgets and suppliers" accounts
Preparation and validation of regular and ad-hoc financial reports.
Maintaining contact and proper communication with Client team and various vendors to provide solutions for accounting queries.
Ensuring compliance to internal and external audit requirements.
Performing analysis of aged items, debit balance, credit notes, rejected invoices and follow-up with Business Team and Suppliers for resolution.
Maintaining smooth daily cooperation with Business Team members based in Poland and EMEA.
Providing solutions, improvements, best practices, seeking optimization of the processes
Other duties assigned by supervisor and line manager.
At least 2 years of professional experience (at least 1 year in finance)
Relevant University degree in Economics, Accounting, Finance will be an advantage
Fluency in both spoken and written English: min. B2
Strong verbal and written communication skills
Understanding of Accounts Payables processes
Very good knowledge of MS Office (Excel). VBA knowledge will be an advantage
Strong analytical, organisational and interpersonal skills
Attention to details and quality
Pro-active approach, willingness to learn and share knowledge with others.
Capability to adapt to everchanging and demanding environment
What you gain by joining us:
Stable employment conditions
work based on employment contract in the international company with stable position on the labour market
Career advancement program
A chance to learn from the Best by attending internal courses and taking part in international programs that will enable you to travel as well as experience how we work in different places in the world
Workplace Culture
Support from our side in terms of working from home as well as comfortable office with chillout room, entertainment room, creative labs and beautiful terrace are making our office a place you want to be. We are well located nearby Wilanowska metro station.
Wellbeing actions
Environment where we care about your wellbeing by health and leisure initiatives (yoga, online classes, sport interest groups)
Making a Change in the Word surrounding you
Occasion to make an impact by taking part in our initiatives (CSR, ECO friendly approach)
Attractive package of benefits
Private medical healthcare, life insurance, multisport card and MORE
International Environment
Experience growing in multilingual community where diversity is cherished
Support in difficult times responding to crisis situations
Psychological advisory, online sport activities (yoga, move, back to fit form classes), online trainings, technological support on your equipment and software when working from home
Real Estate Portfolio Analyst
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
Key Responsibilities:
Provision of the on-boarding trainings to the local CBRE teams on the account located around the
Training local CBRE teams on the usage of the Clients Data base, lease admin processes, etc;
On-going advisory on the Clients Data base, on-boarding processes, lease admin processes, etc;
Knowledge base management;
Support to the local CBRE teams in Property Management Excellence;
Lease and key property documents analysis;
Produce regular and ad hoc reports in excel utilizing Clients Data bases to agreed timescales;
Participating in additional projects with a key objective of delivering an enhanced product to the
Cooperation with the Technology & Audit Teams on a regular basis;
Internal Client relationship building;
Cooperation with other teams supporting the Client located around the world;
Report to Team Leader.Wymagania
Fluent English in speaking and writing is a must
Any other foreign language would be an advantage.
Advanced knowledge of the Harbor flex would be an advantage.
Minimum Bachelor"s degree
Advanced knowledge of MS Office (particularly Excel)
Experience in data administration / real estate / accounting / data analysis will be an
High analytical skills, focused on details, fast learning
Strong communication skills
Client orientated, capable to adapt to changing and demanding environment
Ability to work under time pressure and to meet deadlines while managing conflicting
Very strong communication skills
Keeping very close relation with requestors and providing them with required support (queries
governance, abstraction standards and best practices)
Being very responsive to emails/enquiries
Being a team player.Oferujemy
We offer:
Career opportunity in a multinational company
Multilingual, friendly work atmosphere
Private medical care with an attractive pack
Competitive benefit package (life insurance, partly funded language lessons, sport & recreation
allowance-Benefit system)
Work place located in quickly developing office district with an easy access to public transport
GL Accountant
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
Your main tasks would be:
Monthly review of P&L and balance sheet accounts; reconciling payroll, VAT, fixed and intangible assets accounts, reconciling AP and AR to GL for a number of EMEA CBRE entities
Close cooperation with statutory service providers in different countries, coordination of statutory reporting process by setting deadlines and executing delivery
Review and preparation of General Ledger journals
Approving supplier invoices and employee expenses from accounting perspective
Financial year-end preparation in line with corporate and statutory reporting requirements
Ensure compliance with all policies, procedures, guidelines, and workflows
Actively looking for ways to enhance existing accounting processes and suggesting new solutions
Perfect candidate profile:
University degree in finance / accounting or related field (professional qualification would be an asset)
Similar professional experience and general knowledge of accounting principles
Fluency in English (written and spoken) is a must
Experience with People Soft or other ERP system (SAP, Oracle, Exact) preferred
Excellent interpersonal skills and strong analytical skills
Detail-orientated, accurate, able to work as part of a team
Proactive approach and active search for solutions and improvement possibilities
What you gain by joining us:
Stable employment conditions
work based on employment contract in the international company with stable position on the labour market
Career advancement program
A chance to learn from the Best by attending internal courses and taking part in international programs that will enable you to travel as well as experience how we work in different places in the world
Workplace Culture
Support from our side in terms of working from home as well as comfortable office with chillout room, entertainment room, creative labs and beautiful terrace are making our office a place you want to be. We are well located nearby Wilanowska metro station.
Wellbeing actions
Environment where we care about your wellbeing by health and leisure initiatives (yoga, online classes, sport interest groups)
Making a Change in the Word surrounding you
Occasion to make an impact by taking part in our initiatives (CSR, ECO friendly approach)
Attractive package of benefits
Private medical healthcare, life insurance, multisport card and MORE
International Environment
Experience growing in multilingual community where diversity is cherished
Support in difficult times responding to crisis situations
Psychological advisory, online sport activities (yoga, move, back to fit form classes), online trainings, technological support on your equipment and software when working from home
Client Accounting and Reporting Specialist
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
Job Summary:
For our Asset Services Department, we are currently looking for an independent, open-minded, diligent and detail-oriented person with excellent presentation & communication skills, Client Accounting & Reporting Analyst, with passion to finance in Commercial Real Estate area. The candidate should have at least 3 years of working experience in a similar position and will be reporting to Client Accounting & Reporting Manager.
Responsibilities:• Analyze, maintain and deliver complete and accurate financial reports for a highly complex or strategic portfolio of CBRE clients and properties.
• Complete and oversee advanced level accounting transactions in preparation of client financial statement packages. Create and post journal entries. Ensure that all expenses, receipts, owner’s distributions, funding requests and other transactions for the accounting period have been accurately posted.
• Generate and review financial packages for accuracy and comprehensive reporting. Prepare packages on a schedule to ensure timely delivery to the client and other management teams.
• Respond to and resolve issues and requests from management teams and clients regarding various accounting issues and reports, including Profit and Loss statements. Research open accounting issues and recognize potential issues and/or conflicts so corrective action can intercept and minimize issues. • Assist in developing and adjusting procedures, system enhancements and achieving departments efficiency goals
• Act as subject matter expert for our clients in terms of finance queries
• Proactive approach for results optimization
Perfect candidate profile:
• Accounting or Finance degree
• Fluency in English (written and spoken) is a must;
• Real Estate / Property Management Accounting experience would be an advantage
• strong analytical abilities as well as strong interpersonal and organizational skills
• ability to communicate accounting matters in a clear and concise manner to clients with differing backgrounds
• Eye for detail, ability to work in stressful situations; • Able to prioritize and co-ordinate tasks efficiently ensuring all deadlines are met; delivering a high-quality service;
• Yardi knowledge would be an advantage;
• A team player with proven ability to work easily and effectively across boundaries;
• Problem solving mind-set; self-starter who can work on their own initiative
• Willing to develop personal and business skills;
• Proficient technical skills with the core MS Office suite of products (Excel, PowerPoint, Word);
What you gain by joining us:
Stable employment conditions
work based on employment contract in the international company with stable position on the labour market
Career advancement program
A chance to learn from the Best by attending internal courses and taking part in international programs that will enable you to travel as well as experience how we work in different places in the world
Workplace Culture
Support from our side in terms of working from home as well as comfortable office with chillout room, entertainment room, creative labs and beautiful terrace are making our office a place you want to be. We are well located nearby Wilanowska metro station.
Wellbeing actions
Environment where we care about your wellbeing by health and leisure initiatives (yoga, online classes, sport interest groups)
Making a Change in the Word surrounding you
Occasion to make an impact by taking part in our initiatives (CSR, ECO friendly approach)
Attractive package of benefits
Private medical healthcare, life insurance, multisport card and MORE
International Environment
Experience growing in multilingual community where diversity is cherished
Support in difficult times responding to crisis situations
Psychological advisory, online sport activities (yoga, move, back to fit form classes), online trainings, technological support on your equipment and software when working from home
R2R Team Leader with PeopleSoft/Oracle (GL)
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
Your main tasks would be:
Leading a team of RTR Accountants.
Supervising, monitoring, and evaluating all day-to-day accounting activities.
Operating controls and monitoring compliance with internal control policies and procedures
Optimizing processes within the department.
Monitoring and developing teamwork through regular planning, communication, and performance reviews (KPI/SLA).
Close cooperating with RTR Process Expert and other accounting departments in order to achieve high standard of services.
Supporting internal and external audit requirements.
Recruiting, supporting, and motivating team members.
Perfect candidate profile:
Master’s degree in finance & Accounting.
At least 5 years of relevant accounting experience.
Wide expertise in RTR/GL processes and accounting.
Knowledge of accounting and finance principles and practices.
Excellent problem-solving skills and cooperation attitude.
Fluency in English in speaking and writing.
High degree of accuracy and attention to detail.
Strong interpersonal and communication skills with ability to build relationship across various Stakeholders.
Advanced computer skills on Office365, accounting software and databases.
Ability to process large amounts of data.
Ability to communicate, explain and socialize procedures, solution proposals with country contacts.
What you gain by joining us:
Stable employment conditions
work based on employment contract in the international company with stable position on the labour market
Career advancement program
A chance to learn from the Best by attending internal courses and taking part in international programs that will enable you to travel as well as experience how we work in different places in the world
Workplace Culture
Support from our side in terms of working from home as well as comfortable office with chillout room, entertainment room, creative labs and beautiful terrace are making our office a place you want to be. We are well located nearby Wilanowska metro station.
Wellbeing actions
Environment where we care about your wellbeing by health and leisure initiatives (yoga, online classes, sport interest groups)
Making a Change in the Word surrounding you
Occasion to make an impact by taking part in our initiatives (CSR, ECO friendly approach)
Attractive package of benefits
Private medical healthcare, life insurance, multisport card and MORE
International Environment
Experience growing in multilingual community where diversity is cherished
Support in difficult times responding to crisis situations
Psychological advisory, online sport activities (yoga, move, back to fit form classes), online trainings, technological support on your equipment and software when working from home
P2P Accountant with German
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
•Processing invoices in global accounting system
• Participation in vendor setup process
• Providing daily service to EMEA Customers
• Regular update calls with Clients and management of action items status
• Participation in financial month end close process
• Ad hoc analysis and reports based on internal needs and Customers requestsWymagania
•1-3 years’ experience in Finance/Accounting (AP) or Finance and Accounting degree
• Excellent knowledge of English and German
• Good MS Excel skills
• Transition experience would be an asset
• Experience in People Soft Oracle system would be an asset
• Strong analytical skills with great attention to detail
• Stand-alone approach to business challenges
• Strong communication skills
• Another European language is an advantageOferujemy
• Opportunity to gain experience in a professional, multinational corporate environment
• Opportunity to grow with the team and experience lively, energetic and friendly work atmosphere
• Multilingual (12 languages used in everyday work) environment across EMEA)
C2C Accountant with German
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
Booking AR deposits
Cashbook maintenance
Customer setup coordination
Being single point of contact for Germany
Reconciliations & reports
Month end close process
Payroll analysis and accounting
Running ad hoc queries and reports
Bank statements analysis
University degree
Fluent English and German in speaking and writing is a must
Well seen the experience in accounting
Good IT skills (Excel, PowerPoint, Word)
Accurate and exceptional attention to detail
Flexibility in approach to work
Ability to remain focused in a rapidly changing environment and to multitask and work to key
deadlines -
Good interpersonal and communication skills
Career opportunity in a multinational company
• Multilingual (12 languages used in everyday work), friendly work atmosphere
• Private medical care with very attractive pack • Competitive benefit package (life insurance, language lessons, sport & recreation allowance Benefit system)
• Participation in financing postgraduate studies or other trainings
• Work place located in quickly developing office district with an easy access to public transport -