Jestem właścicielem tej firmy, chcę zarządzać swoimi danymi
Edycja danych i prowadzenie profilu jest darmowe.
Podaj swoje dane, opiekun skontaktuje się z Tobą.
Czy to Twoja firma?
HAVI praca
Czy to Twoja firma?
Witaj w świecie HAVI Kraków, miejscu, gdzie logistyka spotyka się z innowacją i odpowiedzialnością społeczną. Nasza historia rozpoczęła się w 2019 roku, kiedy to zdecydowaliśmy się rozszerzyć nasze globalne działania o serce Małopolski, otwierając nasze GBS w Krakowie. Od tego czasu nieustannie rozwijamy nasz zespół, który obecnie liczy od 201 do 500 specjalistów, gotowych sprostać wyzwaniom nowoczesnego świata. Jako lider w branży logistycznej, dążymy do perfekcji w każdym aspekcie naszej działalności. Nasze usługi, obejmujące finanse, zaopatrzenie, planowanie i zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw, są nie tylko efektywne, ale również innowacyjne i wsparte najnowszymi technologiami cyfrowymi. To pozwala nam nie tylko zaspokajać potrzeby naszych klientów wewnętrznych w ponad 31 krajach, ale również przyczynia się do budowania trwałej przewagi konkurencyjnej. Misja, którą się kierujemy, jest jasna i ambitna – osiągnięcie zerowej emisji netto do 2050 roku oraz eliminacja odpadów wysyłanych na wysypiska z naszych operacji bezpośrednich do 2025 roku. Jesteśmy zaangażowani w społeczność, przeznaczając co roku ponad 50 000 godzin na wolontariat oraz przekazując 1% dochodu przed opodatkowaniem na cele charytatywne. To odzwierciedla nasze głębokie przekonanie, że biznes powinien działać nie tylko dla zysku, ale i dla dobra wspólnego. Nasze wartości są fundamentem, na którym budujemy naszą kulturę organizacyjną. Zobowiązujemy się do działań w obszarach klimatu, recyklingu, społeczności oraz różnorodności, równości i włączenia. Wierzymy, że różnorodne środowisko pracy jest kluczem do innowacji i sukcesu. W HAVI Kraków każdego dnia pracujemy nad tym, aby nasze usługi były nie tylko na najwyższym poziomie, ale również by odpowiadały na wyzwania jutra. Nasza międzynarodowa obecność i zaangażowanie w ciągłe doskonalenie procesów to dowód na to, że nie boimy się patrzeć w przyszłość. Zapraszamy Cię, abyś dołączył do naszej podróży. Razem możemy kształtować przyszłość logistyki, będąc przy tym odpowiedzialnym partnerem dla naszej planety i społeczności.
Ekonomista Kraków Informatyk Kraków Spedytor Kraków Specjalista ds. HR Kraków Programista Kraków
księgowość / ekonomia it (informatyka) logistyka / spedycja / transport hr / kadry
Oferty pracy HAVI
Praca alert - powiadomienia
Obecnie ten pracodawca nie posiada żadnych aktywnych ofert pracy.
Włącz powiadomienia, aby otrzymywać informacje o nowych ofertach jako pierwszy!
Oferty pracy, które mogą cię zainteresować
Treasury Manager (Hedging)
SalesHR- 20 000-23 000 zł brutto / mies.
- Kraków
- umowa o pracę
- praca zdalna
PolecanaDodana -
Technik Utrzymania Obiektu - okolice Poznania!
Agencja Zatrudnienia KS Service S.A. Profil pracodawcy- 7 000-8 250 zł brutto / mies.
- Tarnowo Podgórne
- umowa o pracę
- praca od zaraz
- запрошуємо працівників з України
Firma najczęściej oferuje
Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie
Nowoczesne biuro
Przyjazna atmosfera
Szkolenia, kursy, konferencje
Podane powyżej benefity nie są oficjalnym elementem oferty pracy. Zostały wyselekcjonowane na podstawie historycznych ogłoszeń za pomocą algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji.
Data aktualizacji: 22.11.2023
Siedziba główna
HAVI poszukuje najczęściej pracowników na stanowiska
Statystyki odwiedzin opublikowanych ogłoszeń i profilu pracodawcy
Odwiedziny w ostatnich 10 miesiącach
Profil firmy:
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:
- Warszawa
- Bielsko-Biała
- Nowy Sącz
- Kraków
- Rzeszów
- Katowice
- Wrocław
- Mielec
- Rabka-Zdrój
- Skawina
Data aktualizacji: 01.03.2025
Praca HAVI - oferty archiwalne
Supply Chain Specialist, Restaurants Order Planning Spanish Speaker
HAVI- Kraków
- umowa o pracę
- pełny etat
- specjalista (mid/regular)
Zakres obowiązków
Supply Chain Specialist, Restaurants Order Planning Spanish Speaker If you are a Demand or Supply Planning Specialist, then you are in the right place! The success of any well-functioning business depends on well tailored planning, which is especially important in the restaurant business. In 2022, we have begun building expert teams to support the restaurant planning process with the goal to further optimize performance and ensure satisfactory quality of service. The role is available from 1st of January 2024. Responsibilities-
Provides an accurate demand forecast, based on historical sales information, using an advanced planning tool (JDA)
Creates a daily supply plan to ensure a steady availability of items to the restaurant; checks the orders in Company Portal and corrects if needed
Steering the demand and supply planning processes under the cost optimization approach
Controls and optimizes the forecast quality/accuracy on product level and the accuracy of supplied quantities on item level
Exploits available information to detect areas of improvements using analytical tools (BI)
Manages and coordinates with the customers the understanding and solution of incidences found while providing the service
Verifies the results of the process to evaluate the performance of the service through defined KPI's
Desired Skills & Experience-
Professional experience in demand and supply planning within the area of fast-moving consumer goods (it is not a pre-requisite but will be quite considered)
Good knowledge of MS Office applications: Excel is a must, Access nice-to-have
Good written and verbal English and Spanish language skills
Ability to work with a BI tool (Tableau, Power BI) to analyze and exploit information would be an asset
Reliability, team-oriented and systematic way of working
Eagerness to proactively build up and improve own knowledge
Knowledge about best practices in the industry regarding demand and supply planning processes would be an advantage
Knowledge of supply/ demand planning methods and processes (including statistics) is nice-to-have
Possibility of turning your own ideas into success
Diverse development opportunities
Varied and interesting field of work
Responsible task with plenty of leeway
Collegial working atmosphere
Open corporate culture
Cooperation with a dynamic team
Attractive remuneration models with performance-related pay
Flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes
Successful and rapidly growing employer
Comprehensive, individual familiarization with the work
Offer for health promotion
Modern work equipment
Diverse development opportunities in an international environment
Training according to training schedule and training regulations in the relevant specialist field
Team Leader, Restaurants Order Planning Spanish and/or Italian Speaker
HAVI- Kraków
- umowa o pracę
- pełny etat
- kierownik/koordynator
Zakres obowiązków
Team Leader, Restaurants Order Planning Spanish and/or Italian Speaker The role is available from 1st of January 2024. Responsibilities-
Manages the team to deliver ROP services to a dedicated business area
Participates in conceptual tasks (e.g. defining of future VMI and planning services)
Leads and coaches the team to ensure strong team performance and motivation
Controls and ensures the quality of the operative planning processes with taking the costs into account
Implements projects to achieve improved efficiencies and operating effectiveness
Creates and maintains process documentations
Ensures an ongoing optimization of the existing tools and processes
Manages resolution of issues raised within supply chain planning process area and facilitates alignment with stakeholders, as necessary
Controls and analyzes the demand and supply planning for standard and promotion items on market and restaurant level
Checks and optimizes forecast accuracy on product and item level
Desired Skills & Experience-
5 years of overall work experience in Supply Chain (including min. 2 years in leading a team)
Very good written and verbal communication skills in English (C1 at least), Spanish and/or Italian (B2)
Very good knowledge of planning processes, methods (including statistics) and software
Organizational and analytical skills, ability to work under time pressure
Good Communication skills and presentation skills
Continuous Improvement mindset
High result and goal orientation
Experience in a transition project will be an asset
Readiness to travel during transition
Possibility of turning your own ideas into success
Diverse development opportunities
Varied and interesting field of work
Responsible task with plenty of leeway
Collegial working atmosphere
Open corporate culture
Cooperation with a dynamic team
Attractive remuneration models with performance-related pay
Flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes
Successful and rapidly growing employer
Comprehensive, individual familiarization with the work
Offer for health promotion
Modern work equipment
Diverse development opportunities in an international environment
Training according to training schedule and training regulations in the relevant specialist field
Supply Chain Specialist, Restaurants Order Planning Italian Speaker
HAVI- Kraków
- umowa o pracę
- pełny etat
- specjalista (mid/regular)
Zakres obowiązków
Supply Chain Specialist, Restaurants Order Planning Italian Speaker If you are a Demand or Supply Planning Specialist, then you are in the right place! The success of any well-functioning business depends on well tailored planning, which is especially important in the restaurant business. In 2022, we have begun building expert teams to support the restaurant planning process with the goal to further optimize performance and ensure satisfactory quality of service. The role is available from 1st of January 2024. Responsibilities-
Provides an accurate demand forecast, based on historical sales information, using an advanced planning tool (JDA)
Creates a daily supply plan to ensure a steady availability of items to the restaurant; checks the orders in Company Portal and corrects if needed
Steering the demand and supply planning processes under the cost optimization approach
Controls and optimizes the forecast quality/accuracy on product level and the accuracy of supplied quantities on item level
Exploits available information to detect areas of improvements using analytical tools (BI)
Manages and coordinates with the customers the understanding and solution of incidences found while providing the service
Verifies the results of the process to evaluate the performance of the service through defined KPI"s
Desired Skills & Experience-
Professional experience in demand and supply planning within the area of fast-moving consumer goods (it is not a pre-requisite but will be quite considered)
Good knowledge of MS Office applications: Excel is a must, Access nice-to-have
Good written and verbal English and Italian language skills
Ability to work with a BI tool (Tableau, Power BI) to analyze and exploit information would be an asset
Reliability, team-oriented and systematic way of working
Eagerness to proactively build up and improve own knowledge
Knowledge about best practices in the industry regarding demand and supply planning processes would be an advantage
Knowledge of supply/ demand planning methods and processes (including statistics) is nice-to-have
Possibility of turning your own ideas into success
Diverse development opportunities
Varied and interesting field of work
Responsible task with plenty of leeway
Collegial working atmosphere
Open corporate culture
Cooperation with a dynamic team
Attractive remuneration models with performance-related pay
Flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes
Successful and rapidly growing employer
Comprehensive, individual familiarization with the work
Offer for health promotion
Modern work equipment
Diverse development opportunities in an international environment
Training according to training schedule and training regulations in the relevant specialist field
Senior Supply Chain Specialist, Restaurants Order Planning
HAVI- Kraków
- umowa o pracę
- pełny etat
Zakres obowiązków
Senior Supply Chain Specialist, Restaurants Order Planning If you are a Demand or Supply Planning Specialist, then you are in the right place! The success of any well-functioning business depends on well tailored planning, which is especially important in the restaurant business. In 2022, we have begun building expert teams to support the restaurant planning process with the goal to further optimize performance and ensure satisfactory quality of service. The role is available from 1st of January 2024. Responsibilities-
Plays the role of the process expert and consultant/trainer for other Team members
Supports Team Leader in managing day to day topics for operational activities (escalations/ queries
Further develops and harmonizes supply chain processes
Provides an accurate demand forecast, based on historical sales information, using an advanced planning tool (JDA)
Creates a daily supply plan to ensure a steady availability of items to the restaurant; checks the orders in Company Portal and corrects if needed
Steering the demand and supply planning processes under the cost optimization approach
Controls and optimizes the forecast quality/accuracy on product level and the accuracy of supplied quantities on item level
Exploits available information to detect areas of improvements using analytical tools (BI)
Manages and coordinates with the customers the understanding and solution of incidences found while providing the service
Verifies the results of the process to evaluate the performance of the service through defined KPI"s
Desired Skills & Experience-
Professional experience in demand and supply planning within the area of fast-moving consumer goods
Extensive knowledge of common MS Office applications and subject-specific IT systems (planning software, etc.)
Previous experience in process migration will be considered an asset
Knowledge of supply/ demand planning methods and processes (including statistics)
Good written and verbal English language skills
Reliability, team-oriented and systematic way of working
Eagerness to proactively build up and improve own knowledge
Knowledge about best practices in the industry regarding demand and supply planning processes
Ability to work with a BI tool (Tableau, Power BI) would be an asset
Possibility of turning your own ideas into success
Diverse development opportunities
Varied and interesting field of work
Responsible task with plenty of leeway
Collegial working atmosphere
Open corporate culture
Cooperation with a dynamic team
Attractive remuneration models with performance-related pay
Flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes
Successful and rapidly growing employer
Comprehensive, individual familiarization with the work
Offer for health promotion
Modern work equipment
Diverse development opportunities in an international environment
Training according to training schedule and training regulations in the relevant specialist field