Jesteśmy GWD Concept, innowacyjną firmą z sercem pulsującym w rytmie dynamicznie rozwijającej się Warszawy. Nasza pasja to handel elektroniczny i domy wysyłkowe, a naszą specjalnością jest sprzedaż detaliczna, która łączy tradycyjne wartości z nowoczesnością internetu.¶¶Nasza historia, choć nie opowiedziana w pełni, jest zapisana w każdym produkcie, który do Ciebie trafia i w zaangażowaniu ponad 250 profesjonalistów, którzy tworzą nasz zespół. Od momentu, gdy rozpoczęliśmy naszą działalność, skupiamy się na dostarczaniu wyjątkowych doświadczeń zakupowych, które są wygodne, szybkie i przede wszystkim bezpieczne.¶¶W GWD Concept zawsze stawiamy na pierwszym miejscu potrzeby naszych klientów. Dzięki temu zyskaliśmy zaufanie i lojalność wielu osób, które cenią sobie wygodę zakupów online. Nasze podejście to połączenie profesjonalizmu z osobistym dotykiem – chcemy, aby każda interakcja z nami była pozytywna i budująca długotrwałe relacje.¶¶Chociaż nie możemy teraz podzielić się naszymi wartościami i misją, to możemy zapewnić, że w każdym aspekcie naszej działalności kierujemy się wysokimi standardami i dążeniem do doskonałości. Nasze zaangażowanie w jakość i innowacje jest nieustające, a satysfakcja klienta to dla nas priorytet.¶¶Zapraszamy do świata GWD Concept, gdzie zakupy online stają się przyjemnością, a każde zamówienie jest traktowane z indywidualną troską. Dołącz do naszych zadowolonych klientów i przekonaj się, jak łatwo i przyjemnie może być z nami.
GWD Concept najczęściej poszukuje kandydatów
- w kategoriach zawodowych:
księgowość / ekonomia obsługa klienta / call center internet / e-commerce / nowe media praca fizyczna bankowość / finanse

Oferty pracy GWD Concept

Praca alert - powiadomienia

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Włącz powiadomienia, aby otrzymywać informacje o nowych ofertach jako pierwszy!

Oferty pracy, które mogą cię zainteresować

Mapa GWD Concept

Adres rejestrowy

GWD Concept poszukuje najczęściej pracowników na stanowiska

Statystyki odwiedzin opublikowanych ogłoszeń i profilu pracodawcy

Odwiedziny w ostatnich 11 miesiącach

Profil firmy:
GWD Concept
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:

  1. Warszawa
  2. Bielsko-Biała
  3. Wrocław

Data aktualizacji: 01.03.2025

Praca GWD Concept - oferty archiwalne

  • Pracownik Produkcji (Praca Tymczasowa)

    GWD Concept
    • Marki
    • umowa zlecenie
    • Zakres obowiązków

      • Konfekcjonowanie i wysyłka wyrobów gotowych w drukarni cyfrowej
      • Pomoc przy obsłudze urządzeń poligraficznych


      • Umiejętność pracy w zespole
      • Mile widziane doświadczenie w pracy na produkcji lub operatorskie (poligrafia)


      • Atrakcyjną stawkę godzinową - 30 zł brutto/h
      • Darmowe obiady
      • Pracę na najnowszych modelach maszyn oraz z atrakcyjnym wizualnie produktem
      • Zatrudnienie na podstawie umowy zlecenie
      • Praca w trybie zmianowym: zmiana dzienna - 6:00-18:00 i zmiana nocna - 18:00-6:00
  • Pracownik Produkcji

    GWD Concept
    • Marki
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      • Konfekcjonowanie i wysyłka wyrobów gotowych w drukarni cyfrowej
      • Pomoc przy obsłudze urządzeń poligraficznych
      • Przestrzeganie zasad BHP, PPOŻ, procedur jakościowych


      • Umiejętność pracy w zespole
      • Mile widziane doświadczenie w pracy na produkcji lub operatorskie (poligrafia)


      • Możliwość podnoszenia swoich kwalifikacji poprzez szkolenia
      • Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie uzależnione od kwalifikacji
      • Pakiet medyczny (EnelMed) i karta Multisport
      • Realną możliwość rozwoju, szkoleń na operatora
      • Pracę w systemie zmianowym 6-14 i 14-22 (sobota i niedziela wolna)
      • Pracę na najnowszych modelach maszyn oraz z atrakcyjnym wizualnie produktem
      • Umowę o pracę po 3 miesięcznym okresie próbnym
  • Senior Product Manager (Content Growth & Security)

    GWD Concept
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      What you"ll do:
      • Define and drive overall product area vision, strategy and metrics for your area
      • Deeply understand and embody the voice of the customer
      • Collaborate with designers, engineers, researchers and data scientists to identify problems, opportunities, and solutions that will support the needs of our users and impact our goals/metrics
      • Work with a variety of cross-functional partners to receive input, get feedback, and keep them advised
      • Work relentlessly to make sure your team is doing the right things, while not spreading too thinly. A healthy balance of innovation, support and maintenance is key for all successful teams at Displate.
      • Own and drive projects from ideation through implementation and launch, focusing on excellent execution
      • Utilize a/b testing and other methodologies to validate the success of your chosen approach
      • Be at one with data. Define success metrics, monitoring, and adapt them as necessary


      Who you are:
      • Seasoned player: You have 4+ years of experience in building and shipping products together with cross-functional agile teams of designers, engineers and data scientists resulting in significant business impact. You have looked after a product or part of a larger one in the e-commerce, SaaS or marketplace sector.
      • Personalisation experience: You have experience in building scalable, performant personalisation solutions (search, recommendation engines)
      • Oriented in tech: You have the ability to translate technical needs into simple understandable requirements and be a translator between tech and design/product and know when to push back. Previous engineering position is a nice to have.
      • Team-oriented: You are driven to get stuff done, but with a collaborative approach. You understand that we don"t win unless the team wins, and you leave ego out of it.
      • Swiss-army knife: You have demonstrated the ability to learn multiple functional areas of business - engineering, design, sales, or marketing.
      • Excellent Communicator: You are an excellent communicator and storyteller, communicating concepts and ideas to stakeholders at all levels, in different shapes depending on the context
      • Doer - you bias towards timely delivery of software products that are valuable to Displate"s customers
      • Data-inspired: You are experienced with data informed product development and have deep knowledge of AB testing methods
      • Curious: You love exploring new and existing paradigms to add to your repertoire of ideas and solutions. You are exceptionally curious about new products and how users will respond to them.


      We are cool because of:

  • Senior BI Specialist

    GWD Concept
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      You will be responsible for:

      • Utilizing data from across the organization to answer or prepare PowerBI visualization and recommendations for strategic questions.
      • Analyzing trends on new market opportunities and assessing the risks and benefits of critical strategic decisions.
      • Developing and testing hypotheses to provide insights and recommendations that impact any and all functions to drive business growth.
      • Maintaining data models, pipelines and connectors to ensure data availability.
      • Providing recommendations and working closely with the Infrastructure team to improve and maintain the reporting infrastructure.
      • Taking a critical role in data governance for data models and reports curated by the team.


      We expect from you:

      • At least a masters degree in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).
      • At least 3 years of experience in the field of Business Intelligence or Data Analysis.
      • Experience in PowerBI or similar business analytics/visualization tool.
      • Experience in querying relational, non relational databases and working with warehouses.
      • Excellent understanding of data visualization techniques and data storytelling.
      • Entrepreneurial mindset with high ownership and ability to drive initiatives from problem definition to recommendations.
      • The ability to connect data to derive unique and impactful insights not readily apparent when looking at discrete data sets.
      • Strong critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, questioning the status-quo and assertively striving to implement new solutions.
      • Strong verbal and written communication and presentation skills.

      Skills that may help:

      • Prior experience in ecommerce.
      • Knowledge of scripting languages such as Python or R.
      • Experience with cloud tools dedicated to reporting.


      We’re cool because:

      • We have over 1 mln USD monthly budget for you to play with.
      • We work closely with Facebook’s Enterprise Support, Facebook’s Solution Engineers, Facebook’s Auction Team, Facebook’s Creative Shop and Facebook Partners.
      • We work with premium quality product that we produce in our in-house manufacture.
      • We are a Polish company but global brand that thinks BIG - we work in an international workplace in cooperation with our global business partners.
      • We work in a creative office space in the center of Warsaw and have second office in Austin, US.
      • We work hard but play harder, believe in the value of taking time off.
      • We know how to chill - we have a chill room, game room as well as drumset and other stuff for you to rock on (after hours ;) ).
      • We provide fresh fruits for that creative brain of yours
        you can have coffee your favourite way - we have it all, from french press to moka pot and of course an automatic coffee machine.
      • We organize charity events like Charity Breakfasts to help others.
      • In our company’s bookcase you can find comics, business books or art books (and a nice place to read on our couches and hammocks).
      • We love to help people express themselves :)
  • Junior Customer Researcher

    GWD Concept
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      You will be responsible for:

      • preparing and conducting user research using quantitative methods regarding new products launch, user feedback and so on
      • analysis of data obtained from users and further examination of found problems
      • providing recommendations to other departments, all wrapped up in outstanding presentations or reports (both periodic & adhoc)
      • supporting Researcher in other tasks


      We expect from you:

      • min. 1 year of experience in similar role (customer research)
      • knowledge & hands-on experience of various quantitative research methods
      • exceptional analytical skills and ability to formulate accurate conclusions, recommendations and reports
      • fluency in English (written and spoken)
      • basic command of SPSS
      • good knowledge of MS Office (Excel in particular)
      • self-motivation, enthusiasm, and can-do attitude
      • great communication skills


      We’re cool because:

      • we offer plenty of opportunities for professional growth and an extremely positive atmosphere - after all your development and job satisfaction is in our interest :)
      • we work with premium quality product that we produce in our in-house manufacture
      • we are a Polish company but global brand that thinks BIG - we work in an international workplace in cooperation with our global business partners
      • we work in a creative office space in the center of Warsaw and have second office in Austin, US
      • we work hard but play harder, believe in the value of taking time off
      • we know how to chill - we have a chill room, game room as well as drumset and other stuff for you to rock on (after hours ;) )
      • we provide fresh fruits for that creative brain of yours
      • you can have coffee your favourite way - we have it all, from french press to moka pot and of course an automatic coffee machine
      • we organize charity events like Charity Breakfasts to help others
      • in our company’s bookcase, you can find comics, business books, or art books (and a nice place to read on our couches and hammocks)
      • we love to help people express themselves :)
  • Finance Analyst (Controlling)

    GWD Concept
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      You will be responsible for:

      • Significant influence on creating and developing of business analysis process, including implementation of new analyses (own ideas highly recommended)
      • Comprehensive analysis of P&L (sales, opex, margins, break-even)
      • Analysis of selected balance sheet and cash-flow items (accruals, payables, inventory, capex)
      • Recommending and monitoring of key financial ratios
      • Benchmarking and market observation
      • Basic identification of risks and opportunities, e.g. related to law, taxes, products, competitors and raising these to business owners
      • Cooperation with production analyst on monthly reporting and with data providers from other departments
      • Preparation of professional presentations to sum-up findings and results
      • Providing own recommendations based on own analysis
      • Close cooperation with financial controlling team and CFO
      • Supporting financial team in reporting of covenants


      We expect from you:

      • 2-3 years of working experience in finance including preferably: 1+ audit or consulting experience (Big4) ,experience in business controlling in e-commerce business
      • Basic accounting knowledge
      • Knowledge of management accounting principles (financial ratios, margin analysis, cost variances, benchmarking, etc.)
      • Finance qualifications or in progress (i.e. CA, ACCA, CMAA) would be an advantage
      • Strong analytical skills
      • Strong organizational skills to effectively prioritize tasks
      • Own-initiative approach, focus on quality and deadlines
      • Team player
      • English preferably C1
      • Very good knowledge of Excel


      We’re cool because:

      • plenty of opportunities for professional growth and an extremely positive atmosphere - everybody loves a smiling and accomplished coworker!
      • work with a premium-quality product, manufactured in-house in our world-class facility
      • we are a Polish company but a global brand who thinks BIG and acts accordingly
      • we got an international workplace with a start-up vibe, always staying in touch with our global business partners and remote employees
      • our modern office space sits right at the center of Warsaw where all the action is
      • we also have a small but extremely talented team in Austin, USΑ working closely with our Warsaw team on a daily basis
      • we work hard but play harder and strongly believe in the value of taking time off
      • we know how to relax - we have a chill room, a game room, a drum set, and other stuff for you to rock on (after hours ;) )
      • we regularly provide fresh fruit for that creative brain of yours
      • you can have your coffee just the way you like it - there’s a French press, a moccamaster, and an automatic coffee machine that’ll never spell your name wrong
      • we organize charity events, like Charity Breakfasts, to help others
      • in our free access bookcase you can find comics, business books or art books (and a bunch of nice couches and hammocks to read them on)
      • we want to help people express themselves so no holding back!
  • SEM Specialist

    GWD Concept
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      You will be responsible for:

      • Creating and implementing Google Ads campaigns (mostly PLA)
      • Analysing the effectiveness of the campaigns
      • Designing and conducting a/b tests
      • Creating reports and drawing conclusions based on them
      • Ability to work with the product feed
      • Optimising campaigns and implementing new ideas into them
      • Taking part in strategy creation for the campaigns
      • Cooperation with different departments of the company to deliver best possible results



      • At least 2 years of experience in implementing Google Ads campaigns
      • Thorough knowledge of Google Ads
      • Very good knowledge of Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, Google Ads Editor and Google Merchant Centre
      • MS Office package literacy, especially very good practical knowledge of Excel
      • Knowledge of Data Feed Watch would be a great advantage
      • Good command of English - we use it in our everyday communication
      • You are a team player with good analytical and communication skills, well organised and detailed-oriented
      • You learn quickly and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment, have a growth mindset and able to deliver against moving targets and goals


      We’re cool because:

      • we offer plenty of opportunities for professional growth and an extremely positive atmosphere - after all your development and job satisfaction is in our interest :)
      • we work with a premium quality product that we produce in our in-house manufacture
      • we are a Polish company but global brand that thinks BIG - we work in an international workplace in cooperation with our global business partners
      • we work in a creative office space in the center of Warsaw and have a second office in Austin, US
      • we work hard but play harder, believe in the value of taking time off
      • we know how to chill - we have a chill room, game room as well as drumset and other stuff for you to rock on (after hours ;) )
      • we provide fresh fruits for that creative brain of yours
      • you can have coffee your favourite way - we have it all, from french press to moka pot and of course an automatic coffee machine
      • we organize charity events like Charity Breakfasts to help others
      • in our company’s bookcase, you can find comics, business books or art books (and a nice place to read on our couches and hammocks)
      • we love to help people express themselves :)
  • Lead Project Manager

    GWD Concept
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      We are looking for a great team player to support Displate’s international expansion through stellar Product Launches and rock-solid Project Management. This position is a key role for a results-oriented person with the ability to make things happen, communicate effectively, and successfully deliver on commitments and plans.

      You will be responsible for:

      • team management of small interdisciplinary team, consisting of researcher & product designers
        • work coordination, reporting, budgeting
        • OKRs setting, showing the right direction for the team in line with company’s goals,
        • supporting & mentoring of team members, empowering development
      • cooperation with CPO:
          • reporting of project & product status,
          • identification of problems & challenges and proposing potential solutions
          • confirming & shaping vision of product development
          • forging vision into specific projects, creating roadmap accepted by CPO
      • project management:
        • overall project schedule (planning, tracking, launch, issue resolution and follow-ups) that enables the teams to be successful based upon the project milestones and Go-Live
        • managing and improving communication and projects flow between company’s headquarters and Production teams
        • monitoring and reporting on the progress of all activities within the project including significant milestones and any conditions which would affect project cost or schedule


      We expect from you:

      • min. 3 years of project management experience, preferably in product development
      • min. 2 years of experience as Team Leader/Manager etc.
      • fluency in English & Polish, with excellent verbal and written communication skills and the ability to interact & engage with a diverse groups (executives, managers and subject matter experts)
      • being an interdisciplinary problem solver, skilled at blending different perspectives in the pursuit of a mission, with the ability to easily switch between the strategic and the tactical level
      • to be precise and detail-oriented with strong project management skills, including mapping & creating processes, creating documentation
      • being a ’doer’, willing to get hands-on solving any problems needed to help the project move forward


      We’re cool because:

      • We offer plenty of opportunities for professional growth and an extremely positive atmosphere - after all your development and job satisfaction are in our interest :)
      • We work with the premium quality product we produce in our in-house manufacture
      • We are a Polish company but a global brand thinking BIG - we work in an international workplace in cooperation with our global business partners
      • We work in a creative office space in the center of Warsaw and have a second office in Austin, US
      • We work hard but play harder, believe in the value of taking time off
      • We know how to chill - we have a chill room, game room as well as drumset and other stuff for you to rock on (after hours ;) )
      • We provide fresh fruits for that creative brain of yours
      • You can have coffee your favourite way - we have it all, from french press to moccamaster and, of course, an automatic coffee machine
      • We organize charity events like Charity Breakfasts to help others
      • In our company’s bookcase, you can find comics, business books or art books (and a nice place to read on our couches and hammocks)
      • We love to help people express themselves :)
  • Koordynator ds. logistyki i realizacji zamówień

    GWD Concept
    • Marki
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Będziesz odpowiedzialny za:

      • koordynowanie procesu realizacji zamówień, w tym delegowanie codziennych zadań poszczególnym współpracownikom
      • szkolenie nowych pracowników
      • bieżąca obsługa realizacji zamówień (obsługa systemu sprzedaży internetowej), w tym przygotowywanie listów przewozowych
      • obsługa zamówień niedoręczonych oraz zwrotów
      • współpraca z innymi działami firmy w celu realizacji zadań, w szczególności z działem Customer Experience Team
      • udział w projektach wdrożeniowych mających na celu optymalizację procesów logistycznych
      • współpraca z agencjami celnymi


      Oczekujemy od Ciebie:

      • wykształcenie co najmniej średnie
      • sprawna obsługa komputera,
      • znajomość pakietu MS Office, w szczególności MS Excel
      • mile widziana dobra znajomość języka angielskiego
      • zdolności organizacyjne oraz komunikacyjne
      • skrupulatność, odpowiedzialność i zaangażowanie
      • samodzielność w zakresie wykonywanych zadań
      • umiejętność podejmowania decyzji, definiowania priorytetów


      Warto być z nami, ponieważ:

      • oferujemy wiele możliwości rozwoju oraz niesamowicie pozytywną atmosferę
      • zatrudnienie na podstawie umowy o pracę z 3-miesięcznym okresem próbnym
      • jesteśmy polską firmą o globalnej marce, która ma duże ambicje i dalekosiężne plany
      • oferujemy pakiet medyczny (EnelMed) oraz kartę Multisport
      • ciężko pracujemy, ale potrafimy się też świetnie bawić, bo czas wolny po pracy też jest bardzo ważny!
  • Operator Plotera Drukującego

    GWD Concept
    • Marki
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      • Obsługa ploterów drukujących UV
      • Wykonanie planu produkcyjnego w określonym czasie
      • Dbanie o ciągłość produkcji przy zachowaniu wymagań jakościowych
      • Dbanie o wykonanie operatorskich czynności konserwacyjnych
      • Reagowanie na przestoje i zdarzenia awaryjne
      • Eliminacja strat - udział w projektach
      • Dbanie o porządek na powierzonym obszarze w myśl zasad (5S i Kaizen)
      • Przestrzeganie zasad BHP, PPOŻ, procedur jakościowych.
      • Raportowanie pracy


      • Min. 2 letni staż pracy jako operator plotera
      • Wykształcenie minimum średnie
      • Umiejętność bardzo dobrej organizacji czasu pracy
      • Praca w systemie 2-zmianowym (6-14, 14-22) - weekendy wolne
      • Zaangażowanie oraz chęć podnoszenia kwalifikacji
      • Odpowiedzialność za powierzony zakres obowiązków


      • Pracę w polskiej firmie o globalnej marce, która dynamicznie się rozwija
      • Realną możliwość rozwoju - szkolenia
      • Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie uzależnione od kwalifikacji
      • Pracę przy najnowszych technologiach
      • Pakiet medyczny (EnelMed) i karta Multisport
      • Przyjazne środowisko pracy
      • Pracę nad atrakcyjnym wizualnie produktem
      • Umowa o pracę z 3 miesięcznym okresem próbnym
  • Logistics Manager (Marki)

    GWD Concept
    • Marki
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      You will be responsible for:

      • negotiating contracts with courier companies
      • implementation and search for new solutions for courier shipments
      • long and short term planning for logistic department
      • optimization and analysis of shipping costs
      • reporting, maintaining KPIs
      • running projects and cooperations in their implementation with other departments
      • creating procedures, implementing lean methodology in a subordinate department
      • solving current problems in logistics department
      • settlement and monitoring of courier fees.


      We expect from you:

      • min. of 2 years of experience in a similar position
      • experience in optimization international shipments , backed by results
      • very good knowledge in excel
      • knowledge and understanding about Ex-EU shipping, Incoterms, VAT, Duty etc.


      We’re cool because:

      • we’re a market leader and we want to act like one on every field, also communication
      • we offer plenty of opportunities for professional growth and an extremely positive atmosphere - after all your development and job satisfaction are in our interest :)
      • we work with the premium quality product we produce in our in-house manufacture
      • we are a Polish company but a global brand thinking BIG - we work in an international workplace in cooperation with our global business partners
      • we work hard but play harder, believe in the value of taking time off
      • we provide fresh fruits for that creative brain of yours
      • we organize charity events like Charity Breakfasts to help others
      • we love to help people express themselves :)
  • Marketplace Operations Specialist

    GWD Concept
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      You will be responsible for:

      • Preparing and executing artist data management and policies
      • Working with analytics team to gain insights about artwork sales trends, artists commissions and payout structures in order to improve processes and decision making
      • Managing artwork content analytics dashboard - daily work on sales, artwork and artist data - prepare insights, reports and recommendations for various teams.
      • Helping with the development, implementation, and integration of the new artist management platform
      • Performing research on emerging regulations in terms of data management and security
      • Reviewing and evaluating payouts for potential fraud or other unauthorized activity.
      • Supporting Marketplace Team day-to-day activities in community management


      We expect from you:

      • 2+ years of compliance, customers or content data management
      • E-commerce expertise: experience working with policies for global e-commerce platforms and understand the policy issues unique to marketplaces.
      • Analytical Expertise: work on data, create reports, find trends, prepare recommendations
      • Business Savvy: know how to proactively identify gaps in our artist policy processes and artwork content data dashboard and develop solutions.
      • Keen collaborator working cross-functionally with numerous teams (legal, finance, engineering, etc). You have experience consensus-building, operating independently, and accomplishing through influence.
      • Great communication skills & being a Team Player
      • Fluent English written and spoken
      • Very good knowledge of G suite and Excel
      • Analytics tools, CMS nice to have


      We’re cool because:

      • plenty of opportunities for professional growth and an extremely positive atmosphere - everybody loves a smiling and accomplished coworker!
      • work with a premium-quality product, manufactured in-house in our world-class facility
      • we are a Polish company but a global brand who thinks BIG and acts accordingly
      • we got an international workplace with a start-up vibe, always staying in touch with our global business partners and remote employees
      • our modern office space sits right at the center of Warsaw where all the action is
      • we also have a small but extremely talented team in Austin, USΑ working closely with our Warsaw team on a daily basis
      • we work hard but play harder and strongly believe in the value of taking time off
      • we know how to relax - we have a chill room, a game room, a drum set, and other stuff for you to rock on (after hours ;) )
      • we regularly provide fresh fruit for that creative brain of yours
      • you can have your coffee just the way you like it - there’s a French press, a moccamaster, and an automatic coffee machine that’ll never spell your name wrong
      • we organize charity events, like Charity Breakfasts, to help others
      • in our free access bookcase you can find comics, business books or art books (and a bunch of nice couches and hammocks to read them on)
      • we want to help people express themselves so no holding back!

  • Facebook Ads Specialist

    GWD Concept
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      If you’re the creative one, you will be responsible for:

      • planning and preparing briefs for performance optimized ad creatives for each part of the sales funnel: prospecting, retargeting, loyalty
      • running and optimizing campaigns
      • planning and running tests
      • preparing reports


      We expect from you:

      • you have a superior understanding of performance focused Facebook Ads for eCommerce and can boast of tangible results
      • your English is fluent
      • you can manage the ad account, explain the strategy and communicate priorities to the team members
      • feel fully responsible for the undertaken activities and projects and take the initiative in the team as much as necessary to deliver results
      • apart from understanding the Facebook Ads system, it is great if you have a basic understanding of CRO, Copywriting, Google Ads, Email Marketing, and understand how the individual elements of the puzzle come together to make a bigger picture with your Facebook Ads strategy


      We’re cool because:

      • we have over 1 mln USD monthly budget for you to play with,
      • we work closely with Facebook’s Enterprise Support, Facebook’s Solution Engineers, Facebook’s Auction Team, Facebook’s Creative Shop and Facebook Partners,
      • we work with premium quality product that we produce in our in-house manufacture
      • we are a Polish company but global brand that thinks BIG - we work in an international workplace in cooperation with our global business partners
      • we work in a creative office space in the center of Warsaw and have second office in Austin, US
      • we work hard but play harder, believe in the value of taking time off
      • we know how to chill - we have a chill room, game room as well as drumset and other stuff for you to rock on (after hours ;) )
      • we provide fresh fruits for that creative brain of yours
      • you can have coffee your favourite way - we have it all, from french press to moka pot and of course an automatic coffee machine
      • we organize charity events like Charity Breakfasts to help others
      • in our company’s bookcase you can find comics, business books or art books (and a nice place to read on our couches and hammocks)
      • we love to help people express themselves :)
  • Junior Graphic Designer

    GWD Concept
    • Marki
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Responsibilities :

      • supporting our Product Designer in many different creative tasks (mostly connected with print): from creating new package designs, to adjusting designs using various printing techniques to make them even more amazing
      • supporting our Product Designer in contact with our Production team located in Marki - in particular, participating in test prints and watching over their quality
      • being creative :) we seek people with a passion for new and unconventional ways of problem-solving


      We expect from you:

      • min. 1 year of experience with graphic, physical product design or print (internships, contests, freelance projects also count :))
      • hands-on experience with Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator
      • interest and willingness to work with print & physical product
      • creativity is your middle name and your imagination is limitless!
      • drawing has no secrets from you
      • focus on learning & developing skills
      • native Polish & good level of English
      • can work full time (40 hours per week)
      • knowledge and interest in technical aspects of print & printing techniques will be a big advantage :)
      • willingness to work in our in office located in Marki (at least 3 days/week)


      We’re cool because:

      • we offer plenty of opportunities for professional growth and an extremely positive atmosphere - after all, your personal development and job satisfaction are in our interest :)
      • we seek creativity and offer a space where you can pursue even the most innovative ideas :)
      • we work with a premium quality product which we manufacture in-house
      • we are a Polish company but a global brand that thinks BIG - we work in an international workplace in cooperation with our global business partners
      • we got a creative office space in the center of Warsaw and the second office in Austin, US
      • we work hard but play harder - we believe in the value of taking time off
      • we know how to chill - we have a chill room, a game room, a cool drum set, and other stuff for you to rock on (after hours ;) )
      • we provide fresh fruits to nourish that creative brain of yours
      • you can have your coffee just the way you like it - we got it all, from a French press to a moka pot, and of course an automatic coffee machine
      • we organize charity events like Charity Breakfasts to help others
      • in our company’s bookcase, you can find comics, business books or art books (and a nice place to read them, with couches and hammocks)
      • we love to help people express themselves :)
  • Business Development Manager

    GWD Concept
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      We seek a specialist experienced in business development, with outside-of-the-box thinking, who would like to use sales and relation-building competencies, to learn & specialize in influencer marketing at Displate!

      You will be responsible for:

      • partnering with influencers to create impactful campaigns that drive revenue
      • developing & maintaining relations and engagement with influencers
      • working regularly with marketing, creative, production teams to develop content and merchandise for influencers
      • forecasting, measuring, and reporting results of various projects/campaigns with influencers, including co-created and/or co-branded content promotions, lead sharing, and/or event partnerships


      We expect from you:

      • 3+ years of experience in sales/business development / new business development, preferably in e-commerce
      • interest & willingness to delve deeper into the influencer marketing area
      • great planning, organizing and prioritising ability
      • excellent spoken and written English
      • perfect written and verbal communications skills
      • very good excel / G Suite skills
      • attention to detail and diligence
      • proactive and can-do attitude
      • being a team player!
      • positive thinking and a great sense of humour :)


      We’re cool because:

      • we offer plenty of opportunities for professional growth and an extremely positive atmosphere - after all your development and job satisfaction is in our interest :)
      • we work with a premium quality product that we produce in our in-house manufacture
      • we are a Polish company but global brand that thinks BIG - we work in an international workplace in cooperation with our global business partners
      • we work in a creative office space in the center of Warsaw and have a second office in Austin, US
      • we work hard but play harder, believe in the value of taking time off
      • we know how to chill - we have a chill room, game room as well as drumset and other stuff for you to rock on (after hours ;) )
      • we provide fresh fruits for that creative brain of yours
      • you can have coffee your favourite way - we have it all, from french press to moka pot and of course an automatic coffee machine
      • we organize charity events like Charity Breakfasts to help others
      • in our company’s bookcase, you can find comics, business books or art books (and a nice place to read on our couches and hammocks)
      • we love to help people express themselves :)

  • Inżynier Automatyk

    GWD Concept
    • Marki
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Będziesz odpowiedzialny za:

      • tworzenie koncepcji technicznych maszyn, zespołów maszyn i stanowisk zautomatyzowanych
      • planowanie i realizację działań związanych z projektowaniem i implementacją automatyzacji procesów technologicznych;
      • koordynowanie projektów prowadzonych z dostawcami maszyn i urządzeń (elektronika, automatyka, oprogramowanie) oraz koordynację współpracy i monitorowanie terminów i wymagań
      • przygotowanie harmonogramu projektów, planowanie budżetu i raportowanie
      • współpracę z działem R&D i produkcji przy wdrażaniu nowych produktów
      • uruchamianie i walidację nowych linii produkcyjnych.


      Oczekujemy od Ciebie:

      • doświadczenia na podobnym stanowisku minimum 2 lata
      • znajomości zagadnień z dziedziny automatyki i elektroniki
      • znajomości i umiejętności programowania sterowników PLC i paneli operatorskich
      • praktycznej umiejętności czytania rysunków technicznych oraz schematów elektrycznych
      • posługiwania się językiem angielskim w stopniu komunikatywnym
      • umiejętności pracy w zespole i komunikatywności
      • samodzielności, kreatywności i inicjatywy w podejmowaniu działań


      Warto być z nami, ponieważ oferujemy:

      • Pracę w polskiej firmie o globalnej marce, która dynamicznie się rozwija
      • Realną możliwość rozwoju - szkolenia
      • Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie uzależnione od kwalifikacji
      • Pracę przy najnowszych technologiach i maszynach (DURST i AGFA)
      • Pakiet medyczny (EnelMed) i karta Multisport
      • Przyjazne środowisko pracy
      • Pracę nad atrakcyjnym wizualnie produktem
      • Umowę o pracę z 3 miesięcznym okresem próbnym

  • Influencer Marketing Manager

    GWD Concept
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      You will be responsible for:

      • partnering with influencers to create impactful campaigns that drive revenue
      • developing & maintaining regular communication and engagement with influencers
      • working regularly with marketing, creative, production, teams to develop content and merchandise for influencers
      • forecasting, measuring, and reporting results of various projects/campaigns with influencers, including co-created and/or co-branded content promotions, lead sharing, and/or event partnerships


      We expect from you:

      • 2+ years of experience in a similar role (influencer agency experience especially welcome)
      • passion and expertise in the influencer marketing area
      • great planning, organizing and prioritising ability
      • excellent spoken and written English
      • perfect written and verbal communications skills
      • very good excel / G Suite skills
      • attention to detail and diligence
      • proactive and can-do attitude
      • being a team player!
      • positive thinking and a great sense of humor :)


      We’re cool because:

      • we offer plenty of opportunities for professional growth and an extremely positive atmosphere - after all your development and job satisfaction is in our interest :)
      • we work with a premium quality product that we produce in our in-house manufacture
      • we are a Polish company but global brand that thinks BIG - we work in an international workplace in cooperation with our global business partners
      • we work in a creative office space in the center of Warsaw and have a second office in Austin, US
      • we work hard but play harder, believe in the value of taking time off
      • we know how to chill - we have a chill room, game room as well as drumset and other stuff for you to rock on (after hours ;) )
      • we provide fresh fruits for that creative brain of yours
      • you can have coffee your favorite way - we have it all, from french press to moka pot and of course an automatic coffee machine
      • we organize charity events like Charity Breakfasts to help others
      • in our company’s bookcase, you can find comics, business books, or art books (and a nice place to read on our couches and hammocks)
      • we love to help people express themselves :)
  • Junior Customer Researcher

    GWD Concept
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      You will be responsible for:

      • preparing and conducting user research using quantitative methods regarding new products launch, user feedback and so on
      • analysis of data obtained from users and further examination of found problems
      • providing recommendations to other departments, all wrapped up in outstanding presentations or reports (both periodic & adhoc)
      • supporting Researcher in other tasks


      We expect from you:

      • min. 1 year of experience in similar role (customer research)
      • knowledge & hands-on experience of various quantitative research methods
      • exceptional analytical skills and ability to formulate accurate conclusions, recommendations and reports
      • fluency in English (written and spoken)
      • good knowledge of MS Office (Excel in particular)
      • self-motivation, enthusiasm, and can-do attitude
      • great communication skills
      • knowledge of SPSS (nice to have :))


      We’re cool because:

      • we offer plenty of opportunities for professional growth and an extremely positive atmosphere - after all your development and job satisfaction is in our interest :)
      • we work with premium quality product that we produce in our in-house manufacture
      • we are a Polish company but global brand that thinks BIG - we work in an international workplace in cooperation with our global business partners
      • we work in a creative office space in the center of Warsaw and have second office in Austin, US
      • we work hard but play harder, believe in the value of taking time off
      • we know how to chill - we have a chill room, game room as well as drumset and other stuff for you to rock on (after hours ;) )
      • we provide fresh fruits for that creative brain of yours
      • you can have coffee your favourite way - we have it all, from french press to moka pot and of course an automatic coffee machine
      • we organize charity events like Charity Breakfasts to help others
      • in our company’s bookcase, you can find comics, business books, or art books (and a nice place to read on our couches and hammocks)
      • we love to help people express themselves :)
  • Senior Product Manager (Content Growth & Security)

    GWD Concept
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • Zakres obowiązków

      What you’ll do:
      • Define and drive overall product area vision, strategy and metrics for your area
      • Deeply understand and embody the voice of the customer
      • Collaborate with designers, engineers, researchers and data scientists to identify problems, opportunities, and solutions that will support the needs of our users and impact our goals/metrics
      • Work with a variety of cross-functional partners to receive input, get feedback, and keep them advised
      • Work relentlessly to make sure your team is doing the right things, while not spreading too thinly. A healthy balance of innovation, support and maintenance is key for all successful teams at Displate.
      • Own and drive projects from ideation through implementation and launch, focusing on excellent execution
      • Utilize a/b testing and other methodologies to validate the success of your chosen approach
      • Be at one with data. Define success metrics, monitoring, and adapt them as necessary


      Who you are:
      • Seasoned player: You have 4+ years of experience in building and shipping products together with cross-functional agile teams of designers, engineers and data scientists resulting in significant business impact. You have looked after a product or part of a larger one in the e-commerce, SaaS or marketplace sector.
      • Personalisation experience: You have experience in building scalable, performant personalisation solutions (search, recommendation engines)
      • Oriented in tech: You have the ability to translate technical needs into simple understandable requirements and be a translator between tech and design/product and know when to push back. Previous engineering position is a nice to have.
      • Team-oriented: You are driven to get stuff done, but with a collaborative approach. You understand that we don’t win unless the team wins, and you leave ego out of it.
      • Swiss-army knife: You have demonstrated the ability to learn multiple functional areas of business - engineering, design, sales, or marketing.
      • Excellent Communicator: You are an excellent communicator and storyteller, communicating concepts and ideas to stakeholders at all levels, in different shapes depending on the context
      • Doer - you bias towards timely delivery of software products that are valuable to Displate’s customers
      • Data-inspired: You are experienced with data informed product development and have deep knowledge of AB testing methods
      • Curious: You love exploring new and existing paradigms to add to your repertoire of ideas and solutions. You are exceptionally curious about new products and how users will respond to them.


      We are cool because of:

  • Senior Software Engineer - Backend (PHP)

    GWD Concept
    • Warszawa
    • kontrakt b2b
    • Zakres obowiązków

      Key Responsibilities:

      • creating new functionalities and developing existing ones
      • ability to recommend technical analyses to business
      • designing and leading end to end solution for the given requirements
      • understanding the performance implication of the system and providing solutions for it’s optimization.
      • providing guidance and code review when needed to help the team achieve their goals


      We expect from you:

      • experience with applying principles of software architecture in PHP environment
      • insights of PHP language with knowledge about debugging and analytical tools
      • strong knowledge of SQL and query optimization
      • service to service communication protocols experience
      • mentor attitude and agile mentality
      • detailed monitoring and testing applications background
      • robust code review skills
      • Ci/CD background knowledge

      Experience that would be helpful:

      • operating RabbitMQ on big scale ( or other messaging system )
      • redesigning monolith application to microservices
      • maintaining application on AWS ( or other cloud provider)


      We’re cool because:

      • plenty of opportunities for professional growth and an extremely positive atmosphere - everybody loves a smiling and accomplished coworker!
      • work with a premium-quality product, manufactured in-house in our world-class facility
      • we are a Polish company but a global brand who thinks BIG and acts accordingly
      • we got an international workplace with a start-up vibe, always staying in touch with our global business partners and remote employees
      • our modern office space sits right at the center of Warsaw where all the action is
      • we also have a small but extremely talented team in Austin, USΑ working closely with our Warsaw team on a daily basis
      • we work hard but play harder and strongly believe in the value of taking time off
      • we know how to relax - we have a chill room, a game room, a drum set, and other stuff for you to rock on (after hours ;) )
      • we regularly provide fresh fruit for that creative brain of yours
      • you can have your coffee just the way you like it - there’s a French press, a moccamaster, and an automatic coffee machine that’ll never spell your name wrong
      • we organize charity events, like Charity Breakfasts, to help others
      • in our free access bookcase you can find comics, business books or art books (and a bunch of nice couches and hammocks to read them on)
      • we want to help people express themselves so no holding back!

Pracodawcy w Warszawie i okolicy