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    Evidence Prime Sp. z o.o.
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Evidence Prime

Advancing evidence-based healthcare with: Laser AI - Literature review tool | GRADEpro - Guideline development tool

Evidence Prime is a collaboration between McMaster University – a leading Canadian academic institution – and a group of committed, experienced Polish IT professionals. We joined forces with the aim of becoming the market leader in creating innovative IT tools for evidence-based health care. Our core product is GRADEpro, the web application that supports creating summary tables for systematic reviews and health technology assessments and facilitates development of clinical practice guidelines as well as other documents making recommendations for public health or health policy decisions. Our research division supports guideline development also by assisting with the preparation of systematic reviews, summary of findings tables or with the collection and analysis of data. We are privileged to collaborate with the world-renowned experts in the academic field. A number of McMaster University professors support our work in a variety of ways, particularly with the GRADE methodology. Our GRADEpro tool is a direct result of their findings – an outstanding example of how automation can assist health care professionals in their decision making processes.

Siedziba główna
Hamilton, Ontario
Tworzenie oprogramowania
Epidemiology, Medicine, AI, Systematic Reviews, Literature Reviews, Evidence Based Medicine, Guidelines, GRADE, Data Extraction, Machine Learning, Healthcare, Evidence Synthesis, Rapid Reviews i Large Language Models

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